Two meters cracked with the magic foot overnight
Nozawa Snow Report 13 January 2017: Stats
Base at top: 200 cm
Temp at Top: -6 Degree
Base at Uenotaira station: 160 cm
New snow since close: 30 cm
Weather: Snow
Nozawa Snow Report 13 January 2017: Overview
Looks like we have received yet another good overnight fall in Nozawa Onsen with an additional 30cm being added to the growing base. This brings the grand total from this storm cycle upwards to 110cm at the top. Outside the window now we still have some occasionally heavy snow falling and the temperatures are cold being -6c at Yamabiko. Again Yamabiko gains line honours for the funnest section of the mountain first lifts with playful lines through excellent powder snow. For a quieter time, head to the Challenge slopes but beware, the challenge lift will not be running. During the late afternoon powerful snowfalls are on the radar as soon as the winds swing back to the NW. Expect big totals.
We are in the lead up to the popular Dosojin Fire Festival. For the latest scoop on what will go down over the next few days head on over to our blog post:
While we didn’t get a huge overnight total yesterday that didn’t limit prime time conditions at Nozawa Onsen. The shifting winds filled in the majority of tracks making it fell much deeper in certain sections. It snowed lightly for most of the day and we even had a glimpse of blue skies around lunchtime. It is really hard to have a bad day around here at the moment, but is it ever?
Nozawa Snow Report 13 January 2017: Forecast
The latest on this storm front is in. We are now expecting the heaviest falls on Friday night and Saturday night, with slightly lighter but still very heavy falls on Sunday night. During the days we are expecting moderate to heavy falls continuing until around Tuesday. There will be strong winds aloft to match, most intense on Saturday night and Sunday. The next clear weather appears possible for Wednesday as a high pressure cell drifts over the region. Looking further ahead more snowfalls are possible late next week. Its going to be a crazy weekend, stay safe out there.