Most popular Ski Resort Japan

Day for the ducks in Nozawa
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 15th of February 2021.
After such a glorious sunny weekend always a come down to wake to grey skies. But this is the rain we had to have after all that warm weather and then this new front arriving things just didn’t cool down in time to deal with the precipitation.
Can feel temps are dropping now though and from the cams looks like it may have started to snow up top. Check out the awesome forecast too with temps plummeting and lots of fresh goodness coming our way from tonight for the next 4 days.
Temp at the top; 4 degrees
New snow since close; 0 cm
Base at the top; 275 cm
Snow conditions; Probably still fast enough under foot but have not ventured up
Weather; Raining should turn to snow later today
Most popular Ski Resort Japan
Posting a photo of everyones favourite the 7km long Skyline run from a few days back. Skyline runs down a ridge from the top of Mt Kenashi all the way to the Village. It is a great thigh burner and better views than any treadmill.
Had a really cool message from one of our regular guests Dan this morning, very nice of them to think of us and hope he doesn’t mind me sharing.
“I hope that you are all well in Nozawa. Just wanted to send you a quick email to say that I am thinking of everyone in Nozawa during these COVID times. We have skied Nozawa nearly 12 years running with my little brother Chris. We even got my old man over a few years back! I have to say that Nozawa has taken a bit of my heart.
Really hope to get back soon! Dan
Dan san a big Arigatou Gozaimasu from all of us here and we are missing seeing you and all the regulars in Nozawa too. Anyone keen to get back down skyline in the future just drop us a mail to to make a booking or simply to say hi.