Christmas Eve Nozawa Onsen
Christmas Eve in Nozawa Onsen
You should have been here yesterday. Santa arrived early and with him almost a meter of fresh powder snow. Just what the doctor ordered. The snow storm transformed the landscape into a winter wonderland with the brush of a Christmas wand. Many guests arriving were over the moon to arrive on the best day of the season so far. The snow was fresh and it remained cold up top all day so conditions under foot were sublime. The sun even came out and graced us with a beautiful bluebird day.
Today is looking pretty similar with the sun just starting to peak out over the top of Mount Kenashi now. The resort reporting a 4cm dusting up top and with temps at -4 degrees will keep things fresh and sparking.
Temperature at the top; -4 degrees
New snow since yesterday; 4 cm – Remember we had 90cm yesterday morning!
Base at top 125 cm
Wind: 15 km/h from South West
Weather: Sunny Sunday ahead for Nozawa
Christmas Eve Nozawa Onsen
🚡LIFTS IN OPERATION: Nagasaka Gondola, Yamabiko 2 & 4, Hikage Gondola, Skyline Double, Yu Road
🌄RUNS OPEN: All of Yamabiko, Kokenaashi A & B, Uenotaira and perhaps Parade
The runs and slopes remain the same as yesterday. Was hoping the resort may open the forest trail or some of the lower slopes but guess waiting for some more snow. It was fairly busy yesterday on the slope and some lines in the afternoon especially with people jostling to get back up to download on the two Gondolas Hikage and Nagasaka. The outlook for the next week looks like plenty of sunshine with occasional snowy top ups every second day. No huge systems on the radar yet but a few 10cm plus days.
Enjoy the beautiful day out there today and hope Santa drops in on you tonight wherever you may be in the world. If like to get yourself an early Christmas present for next year, jump on the site and book your next Ski Holiday to Nozawa – at