Winery Lake Nozawa Japan Winery Lake Nozawa Japan Get ready for a cool change Yesterday we went swimming in nearby Lake Nojiro! It wasn’t a long swim with water temp just below 10 degrees but was refreshing nonetheless. All the snow run off ensuring we knew we were alive! Still a warm morning in Nozawa but get ready for temps to fall drastically later today. Tomorrow morning we should wake up to the minus zone up top and most likely a bit of snow. Really love this time of year exploring nearby towns and mountains and still have the lifts rolling to enjoy the Spring slush on the hill. We also went by the St. Cousair Winery which is an […]
Winter Spring Nozawa Japan
Winter Spring Nozawa Japan Winter Spring Nozawa Japan Quick trasformation in Nozawa Hard to imagine just a few weeks ago we were still in the depths of winter surrounded by fresh snow everywhere. Fast forward and the weatherman is telling me that I can definitely wear a T Shirt tomorrow with up to 22 degrees expected in town! It is that in Tokyo today and they had snow there only a week ago. Swipe to see the change. Still some beautiful days on the hill. The snow was fast and fun top to bottom on Monday with the cloud cover. Didn’t get up yesterday but heard was sticky in places under the sunshine. Nice and sunny again today with strong […]
Nozawa Holidays Ski School
Nozawa Holidays Ski School Nozawa Holidays Ski School Take a lesson in Nozawa Still some Magic March days in Nozawa After a few glorious days of sunshine on the hill we have some high level cloud today which is making everything feel a bit cooler. Fantastic day yesterday with sunshine and fun conditions across the resort. The Snow Board Masters contest went well and they should leave some of the features up on Yamabiko A if want to check them out. A big shout out to all the amazing Instructors at Nozawa Holidays Ski School. Still keeping busy with a school group from Bali in town at present. They will be open for lessons until mid April so jump on […]
Easter Holidays Ski Japan
Easter Holidays Ski Japan Easter Holidays Ski Japan Another Pinch me type of day in Nozawa Yesterday Nozawa delivered the goods with what some of the crew that have been here for the season calling it their best. Fresh snow, sunshine and all the elements coming together. Perfect on the groomers and some nice powder stashes on the sides. It was a public holiday yesterday so a few people around but still very quiet compared to peak season. Plenty of sunshine again today, a cool start and will be a magic day ahead. No fresh snow to report but there will still be a bit lingering from yesterday. TODAY: 🌡️ Temperature at Nagasaka top: -2 Degrees ❄️ New snow since […]
Still Snow Ski Japan
Still Snow Ski Japan Still Snow Ski Japan Sun and Snow, March is the Go! Waking up to 14cm of fresh snow across the resort and should see twice that fall again over the day. So the remaining powder hounds will be running up today and howling for the next few days in Nozawa. Could it be the last time? Never say never. Let’s talk about yesterday, it was as good as it gets up there. Fresh snow, sunshine, very few people and crystal coated trees were magnificent. Check out the photos and a big thank you to everyone that didn’t come in March so we could enjoy days like this without the crowds 🙂 TODAY: 🌡️ Temperature at […]
Blossoms Ski Japan Nozawa
Blossoms Ski Japan Nozawa Blossoms Ski Japan Nozawa A truly unique time of year in Japan. Before the main event being the world famous Sakura Cherry Blossoms you can see the just as pretty pink Kawazu-Zakura in bloom around Tokyo and many parts of the country right now. At the same time we have 30cm plus of fresh snow and down to -10 degrees temps forecast for Nozawa on Wednesday! Waking up to a slight dusting up high on the mountains in Nozawa the resort reporting a respectable 15cm of fresh snow. The weather guys are saying it should snow light to moderately all day and temps set to drop with a strong North West wind change on its way. […]
Business For Sale Nozawa
Business For Sale Nozawa Business For Sale Nozawa What a day yesterday in Nozawa. We bathed in beautiful sunshine most of the day on the slopes yesterday. Sharing a beer over lunch on the Paradise slope taking in the views was sublime. The snow was great too, a bit icy up top as temps remained reasonably cool. The clock at Nagasaka was saying 1 degree above but got an ice cream headache on the way down from Yamabiko. From Uenotaira down the snow started to soften up and Paradise was what I like to call al dente just the right mixture of spring snow a bit of slush but still a good texture and fast. Cloudy weather today is making […]
Lotte Arai Nozawa Onsen
Lotte Arai Nozawa Onsen Lotte Arai Nozawa Onsen A whole lot of Lotte Arai With crystal blue skies and buckets of sunshine streaming in yesterday we decided to set off and explore nearby Lotte Arai resort in bordering Nigata prefecture. Just 1 hour away from Nozawa it is a scenic drive and with a massive 6 meter snow base thought well worth a look. Just driving up and there are some pretty impressive mountains in view. With Myoko and Hiuchi Mountains looming over the resort. Both with altitudes over 2450m above sea level they are formidable challenges. The top lift at Lotte is 1280m with an impressive 951m of vertical. This gives it some above tree line skiing and the […]
March Accommodation Ski Japan
March Accommodation Ski Japan March Accommodation Ski Japan Great snow and good availability in Nozawa Always amazes me this time of year we still have so much snow yet the guest numbers start to drop dramatically. Many lodges around town empty out completely by Mid March. The ever popular Villa Nozawa has rooms this week and so do many others can book here; Or just email The Chef from Villa Nozawa who has been here a few seasons now said Friday was his best day ever with around 70cm of fresh snow falling. Still snowing this morning in town, we had been expecting some sunshine so hope it comes soon! All these shots from yesterday on the mountain. […]
Base back at 400cm!
Base back at 400cm! Base back at 400cm! Yesterday the snow just kept coming and big flakes too. I missed the update on what we got on top of Thursday nights 30cm but would have been a bit. Together with the 12cm that fell since the lifts closed yesterday and we have a huge 4 meter base with a nice layer of powder sitting waiting for the lucky ones today on the mountain. The sun was peaking out early and it is looking like a reasonably clear day ahead. There will be scattered clouds and a chance of some more light snow tonight. TODAY: 🌡️ Temperature at Nagasaka top: -9 Degrees ❄️ New snow since yesterday: […]