Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 11th February 2019 What an epic day it was yesterday! From close Saturday to close Sunday, we saw well over half a metre of fresh snow. The base is now way back up over three metres. The even better news to go with all of that is there’s more on the way. While there’s snow of some measure forecast to fall on each day of the week to come, tomorrow night looks the most promising. So what exactly is the top of Mount Kenashi looking like right now? At 7:30 am today Temp at the top; -10C New snow since close; 0cm Base at the top; 320cm Weather; cloudy When in the midst of powder, it’s […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 10th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 10th February 2019 If there’s one thing we may be certain of here in Nozawa Onsen it’s that winter is still in full swing. As we thought, yesterday was merely a precursor to something much more epic. Today is the day to be in town. Well, the whole week to come is looking pretty great, to be honest. We had 40 centimetres of fresh snow overnight plus more than 10 cm since 8 this morning (as of 10:30 am). As those of us in town or on the mountain will know, it hasn’t stopped! There’s plenty more snow on the forecast for the week to come with each day set to bring fresh powder. All this […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 9th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 9th February 2019 What a day yesterday was on the mountain! We saw an unexpected dump over the “Magic Foot”. In addition to what fell throughout the day, we had another 10 centimetres fall up top overnight. That’s pushed that base back up near the three-metre mark. With more on the forecast, winter is definitely back after that little break we had for a while. There’s snow of some measure on the forecast for every day of the coming week. But we needn’t look too far ahead as tonight looks to be the night, making tomorrow the day! Beyond that, we should be enjoying a fairly powdery week ahead. What is the top of Mount Kenashi […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 8th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 8th February 2019 The good news to come out of last night is that the winter switch has been firmly turned back on. But looks to be merely a taste of things to come. Those hanging around for the weekend will be waking up to a fresh dump on Sunday. The present forecast has us receiving well into the double digits Saturday night. If the trend for underestimating snowfall continues, we could see tonnes of it. As mentioned, winter is back, after that short sunny interlude of the past week and a bit. Every day of the week to come has snowfall of some measure forecast. Good times to come! What is the top of Mount […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 7th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 7th February 2019 As the above image shows, there’s a bit of snow on the way. Throughout January, the common trend was, if some snow was forecast, we got heaps. Quite often we got more than double what those red numbers told us. There’s no reason why that trend won’t continue into this month. We’ve had something of a quiet spell over the past week or so, allowing us to get our snow shovelling in order for the next dump. That appears to be very near! There are a few people around for Chinese New Year holidays. With some snow to follow this sunshine, there’s an anticipatory vibe around the village. Bring on the powder! What […]
Spring Skiing, Nozawa Onsen, Japan
Spring Skiing, Nozawa Onsen, Japan There is much to be said for the powder days of earlier in the season (and there often is). But spring skiing is certainly not without its awesomeness. In fact, there’s at least a handful of reasons why some consider March/April an even better time to visit Nozawa. Imagine a day sliding down Mount Kenashi with no queues and often nobody to share a run with. Couple this with an all-around cheaper ski holiday and we’re starting to see why some favour late season skiing. Sakura Season – Cherry Blossom Viewing The Japan Meteorological Corporation released its cherry blossom forecast last month. The main point to come out of that is signs are pointing to […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 5th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 5th February 2019 Yesterday was a bit of a mixed bag. It rained just a little in the morning, then came the sun, followed by a flurrisome afternoon and early evening. The good news is that with it all came with a couple of extra centimetres at the top of Mount Kenashi overnight. Today’s forecast suggests we’re going to see a liberal dose of sunshine and blue sky. Tomorrow may bring a top-up before Thursday through Sunday will see snowfall of some degree. Thursday and Saturday nights are looking the most promising this far out. As we all know well, however, things can change. Typically, whatever snowfall is forecast to fall upon village and mountain is […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 4th February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 4th February 2019 Don’t let the comparatively warm temperatures fool you. The mercury is set to drop to bring a handful of constant snowfall throughout the rest of the day. From there, we’re looking at a few clear days before the snow returns again. Thursday night looks fairly promising before the weekend might be a very powdery one indeed. It should be a great week here in Nozawa Onsen. We’ve had a few guests comment of late that there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people around. Of course, February drops off only slightly from January and we are still very much enjoying the main part of the season. However, Nozawa Onsen does tend to […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 3rd February 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 3rd February 2019 We’ve got ourselves a beautiful bright blue day today in Nozawa Onsen. It’s a little bit warmer than it has been too. It’s a great day to get out amongst it, whether sliding down the mountain or wandering around checking out our beautiful little village. Current forecasts suggest there’ll be a centimetre or two of snowfall up top today before handfuls throughout tomorrow. Beyond that, there’s a bit more sun and some steady snowfall almost every day of the coming week besides Tuesday. While there’s nothing to suggest we’ll get the huge dumps of the past few weeks, there’s more than enough on the radar to keep us well and truly topped up. […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 31st January 2019
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 31st January 2019 Yesterday was a cracker! It was blue skies and epic views on the mountain to go with what has been a mountain of snowfall lately. I’m pleased to tell you that there’s more good news today. The forecast shows a few centimetres falling over what’s left of the morning. The afternoon should see a bit more than a handful before tonight brings a hefty double-digit dump. Beyond that, there are a few more centimetres to squeeze out of Friday before Saturday brings the sun. Good times ahead, ladies and gents! So what exactly are we seeing at the top of the mountain now? At 10:00 am today Temp at the top; -2C New […]