Another fantastic Spring day in Nozawa Wednesday 14th of March 2018 Temp at Top: 7℃ Weather: Sunny Base at top: 270cm Base at Uenotara station: 195cm New snow since close: 0 cm Spring Day Nozawa Style The Sun is out early again today with the days getting longer as we ease into Spring. Will be warm again today with the mercury showing 7 degrees up top and almost T shirt weather in the village. Talked to some early riders this morning and they said it was terrific up there and the snow was nice and fast. Yesterday was a cracking day to be out and about, with the Sun shining bright and still plenty of snow. Some of the […]
Spring time in Nozawa is Easy
Soak up the sunshine on the slopes in Nozawa Tuesday 13th of March 2018 Temp at Top: 6℃ Weather: Sunny Base at top: 275cm Base at Uenotara station: 195cm New snow since close: 0 cm Spring time in Nozawa is Easy Another beautiful clear day here today in Nozawa with the sun shining and blue skies. It was fresh this morning when went for a stroll but you can feel the warmth of the sun coming thru. We are looking at some perfect Spring Skiing conditions for the next few days with light winds and plenty of sunshine. Nothing wrong with that as mid March is typically springtime. It did come a little earlier than normal this year but the […]
Ski Camp Nozawa Onsen
Dusting Overnight for Nozawa – Ski Camp Nozawa Onsen Monday 12th of March 2018 Temp at Top: -1℃ Weather: Sunny Base at top: 280cm Base at Uenotara station: 200cm New snow since close: 2 cm Just a little pixie dust over the resort this morning with a few centremeters being recorded. Still pretty to see and temps starting the day below 0 degrees which is always nice to see. Was a beautiful day up there yesterday with nice weather and the fresh snow, everyone came down the mountain pretty stoked with their Sunday. There were a few people around but today is super quiet. We are heading into that part of the season when it feels like a private resort […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Update Sunday 11th of March 2018
Bright lights and bright skies over Nozawa Sunday 11th of March 2018 Temp at Top: -1℃ Weather: Snowing Lightly Base at top: 280cm Base at Uenotara station: 210cm New snow since close: 0 cm Awesome day all round in Nozawa yesterday, with a true winters day on the slopes nice cold temps and crystal forest trees all round. With the little dump we got the night before the pistes were nice and fresh and the snow quality great under foot, especially at the top of the mountain. There were even some nice little powder stashes on offer early for those that went looking. A little warmer today but still below zero degrees at this stage up high. Have spoken to […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report Saturday 10th March 2018
White Coverup in Nozawa this morning Saturday 10th of March 2018 Temp at Top: -7℃ Weather: Snowing Lightly Base at top: 280cm Base at Uenotara station: 145cm New snow since close: 5 -10cm Not a huge dump by any means overnight but a few centermeters sitting on my handrail this mornig. Car windscreens and rooftops also looking nice and white. The resort reporting between 5 -10 cm for the mountain, with 11cm falling at Uenotaira. During the middle of winter would not be much of a blip but for later in the season there was a bit of excitement at the breakfast table this morning! Looking like some beautiful spring conditions ahead with sunny days and light winds gradually getting […]
Nozawa Snow Report Friday 9th of March 2018
Get to the top of the mountain Good morning everyone, we have light rain in the village this morning but the forecast is snow from 9am! The freezing level will drop down to village level by this afternoon. Best conditions will be at the top so make your way up to Yamabiko and enjoy the snowy conditions up there. Snow is going to continue through till tomorrow with some sunshine in the afternoon. Freezing level is also staying low till Monday with lower temps over the weekend so we have some great conditions for some stealth snow! Come on snow clouds – bring us the good stuff! Have a great day up there, stay safe and we’ll see you on […]
Nozawa Snow Report Thursday 8th of March 2018
Snow is on the way Good morning everyone, we have started off the day with cloudy conditions, this will change with a new storm moving in throughout the day. There will be some wind and rain later this afternoon but this will change to snow during the night with the forecast for tomorrow being over 20cm of snow. Saturday should see light snowfall and again the change of light snowfall on Sunday. Remember the Lantern Festival is on this Saturday. Place: Hikage Time: 19:00-21:25 Schedule: 19:00. Opening ceremony 19:05. Jugling performance 19:35 Janken competition with prize 19:50 Snow Groomers demonstration 20:10. Talk on Ski history 20:35 Torch ski run 21:00. Fire works 21:15. Closing * Free sample sake, juice, ice […]
Nozawa Snow Report Wednesday 7th of March 2018
Sunshine day Good morning everyone, well the pattern of snow sunshine snow sunshine we have been having over the last few weeks continues, after yesterday’s snowfall we will have a sunny day today followed by the next storm which is predicted to have heavy snow on Friday followed by moderate snow on Saturday. Remember it is a great time to get to the top of the mountain and grab some photos of the mountain range, but remember the sunscreen as you get a double does with the refection off the snow. Have a great day up there, stay safe and we’ll see you on the mountain! Wednesday 7th of March Temp at Top: -9℃ Weather: Sunny Base at top: 290cm […]
Nozawa Snow Report Tuesday 6th of March 2018
Trees on the mountain covered in snow. The top of the mountain is covered in cloud this morning which is predicted to clear during the day, the mountain snow indicators have no new snow but looking up the mountain we can see the trees covered in snow, we will have to go up, will let you know what we find. It looks like we’ll see the sun out tomorrow, great time to get photos on top of the mountain before we see the next storm roll in Thursday evening with solid snowfall predicted for Friday and Saturday at this stage. The long range forecast has sunshine at the beginning of next week follow by snow fall mid next week. Have […]
Nozawa Snow Report Monday 5th of March 2018
It’s going to be a snowy kind of week. We have woken to light rain but the temperature is plummeting and it looks like a great week for snowfall here in Nozawa. Snow is forecast for 6 out 7 days. We should see the next snowfall this afternoon and this evening with over 30cm on the cards. Chance of light snow Tuesday then sunshine Wednesday, followed by 4 days of snow with the heaviest being on Saturday at a predicted 23cm at this stage. Things are definitely looking up as the temperature drops down. Have a great day up there, stay safe and we’ll see you on the mountain! Monday 5th of March Temp at Top: 6℃ Weather: Cloudy Base […]