First Turns of Season Nozawa Onsen First turns of the season have been laid in Nozawa! Waking up to mountains surrounded in white this morning in Nozawa and a beautiful crisp Winters day. We did have a bit of snow on the ground up top yesterday but this morning looks like a bit more and can see white all the way down to Paradise this morning. Beautiful to see can check it out on the web cams here Local gun skier Shogo san was pretty excited to see the first snow of the season hit so raced up to be the one to make the most of the dusting and lay down the first turns of this winter. […]
Ski Holiday Nozawa Onsen Japan
Ski Holiday Nozawa Onsen Japan Cure for that Mondayitis from Nozawa Onsen A little something to help with the day dreaming on your Monday morning back at work. This shot of a beautiful day on Yunomine slopes, which are located bang in the middle of the Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort. You ride over the top of them in the Nagasaka Gondola when heading to Yamabiko but not that many people choose to ride back down this area. Making it a nice quiet few runs for anyone looking for a little oasis. There are 2 chair lifts servicing this area Number 8 Yunomine chair a Twin seater and Number 9 Mizunashi a Triple. You can also loop back down to the […]
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Opening Date Winter 2017/18
Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort Opening Date Winter 2017/18 Drumroll please! Fresh off the press the Resort plans to open up for the ski season from November 25th 2017 as usual a Saturday. That is less than a month away! It is ofcourse dependent on Mother Nature delivering the goods on the snow front. After 26 seasons to be honest I am not totally confident it will happen. But you never know… A while back we often had enough snow by then but unfortunately with Global Warming I feel that the seasons are getting pushed back a little. So get out of your car and get on your bike or walk to wherever you are going and do your bit […]
Book Bullet Train Nozawa Tokyo Japan
Visitors to Nozawa can finally make Shinkansen reservations on line! One of the big questions we often get from people traveling up to Nozawa is can we book the Bullet Train before we arrive? Which is understandable as coming from overseas and want to be sure you have all organised. Up until now this has not really been possible. There were a few sites that attempted to do it but never really got it right. Book Bullet Train Nozawa Tokyo Japan So we just suggested that people should do it at the first JR station they got to when arrived in Japan. There are very frequent trains traveling between Tokyo and nearby Iiyama so it has not really been a […]
Ryuoo Ski Park near Nozawa Onsen
Ryuoo Ski Park near Nozawa Onsen Snowy scenes from around Nozawa – Ryuoo Ski Park Some nice white photos drifting in from yesterday after the dustings we got at higher elevations in the area. This shot nearby Ryuoo Park with its winter blanket intact looks almost like you could take a run but pretty sure it is just a thin layer there at this stage. The Forecast is for it to warm up a bit today and the freezing level to jump back up above 3000m where it will stay most of the week. A bit of rain expected tomorrow and Sunday before another cold front hits and some more dustings of snow expected from Sunday night. Anyway not […]
Child Care Baby Sitting Nozawa Onsen
Child Care Baby Sitting Nozawa Onsen – No Kids on a Powder Day! If heading up to Nozawa for the ski season and have some little kids then who can take care of them so you can go for a ski is a pretty important thing! Lucky for you Nozawa has a few great options. During the day hard to beat the Yumin Day Care right on the slopes at the Hikage Ski Centre. You can quite easily access there from all Nozawa Holidays Accommodations by walking or taking the bus to the Nagasaka Gondola then there is a free ski doo drawn sled that runs you up to the Hikage Ski Centre and Kids Park. Otherwise can stroll thru […]
Later Season Nozawa Onsen Ski Japan
Later Season Nozawa Onsen Ski Japan Something snow filled to fill your Sunday from Nozawa. As you have seen from the last few days reports Mother Nature has dropped the temperature dial and delivered some sprinkles of the white gold across parts of Japan which is an awesome start. Things can change pretty fast at this time of year and we have the tail end of the typhoons still swinging thru the region. Typhoon Lan is expected to dump about 200mm of rain on us today! Not raining yet though so it may pass by all going well. So will we have an early snow season this year in Japan? Hard to tell yet but fingers crossed. The Japan Meterological Agency […]
Early Snow October Japan
The Early Snow Show continues in Japan These shots just in from our Nozawa correspondent that is visiting Asahidake in the very North of Japan. It looks almost skiable now and if you check out the forecast for Monday looks like they could be in for another 50cm dump! That fox is looking a little concerned! With temps below freezing point and some sunshine following, if you were keen might be some fun tourig conditions in October in Japan! Early Snow October Japan Asahidake is the highest peak on the North Island at 2,291m and is an active stratovolcano. You can see the steam rising in the middle. Anyway early days but things pointin in the right direction, if you […]
First Snow Report Nozawa Onsen
The First Snow Report of the Season for Nozawa! We may be getting a little too excited but nearby Shiga Kogen reported 10cm of snow yesterday as can see in this photo on the road to Yokoteyama. The top of Yokoteyama is 2305m and it boasts the highest ski lift in all of Japan. There are fabulous views in all directions and also the highest Bakery in Japan to enjoy at the Sancho Hutte! So why are we calling this the first snow report? Because if you check the snowforecast there is some snow expected in Nozawa next week! Looks like strong Northwest winds and a sudden cold change hitting us on Monday and some light snow and cold […]
More Early Snow near Nozawa – Kumanoyu Ski Resort Shiga Kogen
The snow is creeping closer to Nozawa Onsen! First Early Snow Near Nozawa Snow was recorded at nearby Kumanoyu Ski Resort this morning! Yamabiko at the top of Nozawa was a very chilly 3 degrees this morning too so looks like we got hit with a cold snap. Kumanoyu Ski Resort is one of the first resorts you come to in Shiga Kogen and only about 35km from Nozawa as the crow flies. The very top elevation is 1950m above sea level and that is where the light snow has fallen last night. Just a beginning and is sure to melt off quickly but for mid October it is beautiful to see! Photo of this morning and what Kumanoyu can […]