First Snow of the season hits Nagano! Funny enough the same place it hit last year at Mount Shirouma and the Hakuba Sanso Mountain Hut. It is the 26th highest mountain in Japan at 2932m. They actually closed the Hut today for the season as they do every year and try and get out before the snow hits so was right on time this year. Temps also dropped in Nozawa Onsen today going below 10 degrees in the village for the first time in a while! Winter is coming #nozawaonsen, #nozawaholidays, #firstsnow First snow has fallen in Japan and Qantas has a Sale to Japan! Could be a sign that you should […]
Snoga Snow Yoga Nozawa Onsen
Breathe in the Mountain air of Nozawa – Snoga Snow Yoga Nozawa Onsen The Yoga Retreat at Kaiya Nozawa is still in full swing and has been a terrific experience for all involved. Just small groups, but all enjoying the tranquil surrounds of Nozawa Onsen Village, the Onsens, Hiking, Healthy fresh food, Meditation and Yoga sessions. There have been participants from all around the world and from different parts of Japan as well as the locals getting involved. Still two weeks to go as running until October 31st and with the leaves starting to change colour and the air getting cooler in the mountains it is not too late to join in by any means. Can come for a few […]
Climbing Mt Fuji Japan another reason to visit in the Green Season
Mt Fuji or Fuji san the highest Mountain in Japan – Climbing Mt Fuji Mount Fuji has long held a mystical charm not only in the hearts of the Japanese people but most people around the world. Well known for its classic volcanoe shaped cone that rises out of the earth on the East coast of Japan. Standing at an impressive 3776 meters above sea level it is a huge landmark that can be seen easily from Tokyo City on a clear day. Japan has lots of amazing mountains but the next highest peak Mt Kitadake is almost 600m lower at 3193 meters high. There is a bunch of mountains over 3000m high in Japan but none come close to […]
First Snow Japan – Snow falls have just hit the North of Japan
First Snow of the coming Winter Season hit Japan just a few days ago! It fell in a few parts of Northern Japan the first place being at Mt Kurodake in Daisetsu Mountain Range. The elevation is 1984 meters above Sea Level. It was only a sprinkle by the looks but was 6 days earlier than last year! Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort usually plans to open on December the 1st each year depending on conditions So with Mother Natures blessing we could be skiing in just 2 months from now! December 2014 was heavy very early and we had a huge 3 meters of snow in just 4 days so the base was already 135cm by December 7th. Will […]
Kids Skiing Nozawa Onsen Japan
Kids Skiing Nozawa Onsen Japan The pleasure and the pain! Skiing, Snow and the Mountains are an amazing combination in bringing a family together with a mutual passion. We get so many families that come to stay with us in Nozawa year after year, they have, like us fallen in love with Nozawa and the family sport of the downhill slide. Having taught two kids of my own how to ski I am not going to pretend the start can be hard, with tears, tantrums and eventually triumphs and that was just me! I put both kids in a backpack and skied with them not long after they started to walk. They loved it, would gaze at the flakes and […]
Cheap Ski Lodge Nozawa Onsen Japan – Sei Sen So
Lodge of the Week Nozawa Onsen – Sei Sen So Traditional Lodge Looking for a good value friendly lodge in the centre of town with its own Onsen? Sei Sen So lodge is a great little option. Owned and operated by Kiku and Yumiko san two well known local identities about town. They also own the long running Stay Bar, Hamacho Sushi and Wanryu Ramen restaurants too. All located just up the road from Sei Sen So Lodge. It is an older style lodge with traditional Japanese style guest rooms and dining rooms but a great location just a stones throw to the main street and also the bus stop and taxi rank. Kiku is also a talented chef […]
Onsens and Snow Fall Nozawa Onsen has it all!
Happy Sunday from Nozawa Onsen. Still a few people wandering the streets from Onsen Bath to Onsen in their Summer Yukattas. Always beautiful to see. This is Kawahara Yu one of my favourite little hot springs right in the centre of town. Magnificent wooden traditional feel wth high ceilings but still very cosy. Can get a sneaky draft beer for just 350 yen over the road after at Yamazaki Convenience store or an Ice cream for just 100Yen. The snowy shot was taken very early December quite a few years ago now. We can get those stealth dumps sometimes early in the season and the whole landscape can change overnight. The Onsens in Nozawa are perfect to enjoy all year […]
Festivals Nozawa Onsen
Happy Monday morning from Nozawa Onsen Hope you had a good weekend. Was a big one in Nozawa with the annual Lantern Festival and a good turn out with nice weather and as it fell on the weekend. Lots of locals and visitors alike flowing out on the streets to celebrate in style. The Festival is held every year on the 8th and 9th of September regardless of which day of the week it is much like the famous Fire Festival which is always on the 15th of January every year. That will also roll around soon enough and is an amazing festival one of the most famous fire festivals in Japan. Here is a link to more information on […]
Writers Artists Retreat Nozawa Onsen Japan
Nozawa makes for a great Writers or Artists Retreat With Autumn officially underway in Japan we are coming into some of our best months of the year. The weather is cooling but not cold yet, basically perfect, the textures, colours and aromas of the forest and surrounds are beautiful and it is very peaceful in the village. At this time of year with Summer finished and a few months until winter, there are very few visitors in town. I went for dinner last night to Kaze no iie Italian restaurant that you can barely get a seat in winter, I was the only one there and sat there for over an hour and just one other couple came! There […]
Yamaguchi Ski Lodge Nozawa Onsen
Lodge of the week Yamaguchi Lodge Nozawa Onsen Yamaguchi means literally “ Mountain Mouth” and it is fitting as the lodge is nestled at the base of the mountain. Owned and operated by Kayako and Shoichi san who have been good friends of ours for many years. Shoichi was in the Ski Patrol for many years and widely known back in the day as one of the best skiers on the mountain. Helps growing up with the slopes right by your house. He still works for the resort now so Kayako san does most of the work around the lodge helped sometimes by their two lovely daughters. It is only a small lodge with just 5 guest rooms but that […]