Luxury Ski Property Nozawa Nozawa is best known as a traditional Japanese Ski Town but it has always attracted a real mix of guests from not only Japan but all over the world. In recent years there has been more and more luxury Japanese and western style accommodation options popping up in the village. Including Nozawa Gondola Apartments above. Check out more terrific options from the team at Nozawa Holidays. Established in Nozawa for more than 30 Years. Feels like 40 in Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 8th of February 2021. One of those exciting powder days on the hill today in Nozawa. The resort reporting 25cm overnight and 10cm so far this morning. We are thinking it feels like […]
Support Local Nozawa Onsen
Support Local Nozawa Onsen Crystal Trees and Blue Skies from Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 6th of February 2021. Let’s talk about yesterday afternoon first, this shot is from then. Just after we posted yesterday all the predictions came true for an absolutely magic day on the slopes. There was Frozen Broccoli everywhere and with the 20cm of fresh snow it made for some beautiful tracks. Today temps have jumped up, about 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. Almost feels like a spring day but still awesome up on the hill. Temp at the top; 5 degrees New snow since close; 0 cm Base at the top; 265 cm Snow conditions; Bit warner than yesterday almost springy Weather; Beautiful […]
How Deep Snow Nozawa Onsen
How Deep Snow Nozawa Onsen Shaping up for an amazing day on the slopes in Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 5th of February 2021. The resort reporting 20cm of fresh snow overnight combined with what we got yesterday afternoon and we must be pushing the “Magic Foot” of fresh snow. The sky is just starting to light up and we should be in for another beautiful bluebird day on the mountain. Nice cold temps, fresh snow and throw in some sunshine and we have all the elements for an epic day. Temp at the top; -6 degrees New snow since close; 20 cm Base at the top; 280 cm Snow conditions; Powder day, get up there! Weather; Clear down low […]
Accommodation Nozawa Onsen Best View
Accommodation Nozawa Onsen Best View Looking back over your shoulder in Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 4th of February 2021. Still basking in the glow of yesterday. What a beautiful bluebird afternoon it was. Another shot from then looking back from the Yamabiko 4 Lift. Who else likes that view? Hard to beat with fresh snow encompassing the trees and the “Frozen Broccoli” out in full force. Was sunny early but now not so picture perfect up there. However in order to get the fresh snow we need some snow clouds and they are thick up top today. Main Nagasaka Gondola also closed with strong winds. Temp at the top; -6 degrees New snow since close; 0 cm Base at […]
Is Nozawa Onsen Good?
Is Nozawa Onsen Good? Simply stunning day on the slopes in Nozawa Sorry for the late report and even sorrier to post the shot. What a beautiful afternoon we had in Nozawa today. It was snowing earlier and then the sun came out to make for a picture perfect day. Not a huge amount of fresh snow but enough to make everything pretty and great conditions under foot. Not many to share it with either. Looking like a big dump from tomorrow afternoon. Stay safe and stay tuned.
Weather Forecast Nozawa Onsen Japan
Weather Forecast Nozawa Onsen Japan The big chill is coming to Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 2nd of February 2021. The day didn’t start too pretty in the village with rain down low. Resort reporting snow up top so the few degrees colder should have been enough to keep the snow falling there. About an hour ago the mercury dropped in town too and we started to get the white fluffy stuff falling. Check out this video just shot, some serious size flakes falling too. The wind has shifted to the favourable North West direction and is bringing that Siberian chill with it. Temp at the top; -3 degrees New snow since close; 6 cm Base at the top; 245 […]
Best Time Visit Nozawa Japan
Best Time Visit Nozawa Japan Magnificent day in Nozawa to start the month Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 1st of February 2021. Absolutely stunning morning here with the sun coming out and still fresh snow sitting in the trees and on the slopes. Its a Monday so the slopes are pretty empty and it has been a magnificent morning. The clouds are just starting to roll in again as I type and more snow expected at least for the top from tonight. It may rain down low with the warmer temps but should also turn to snow down here from tomorrow with temps set to plummet through out the day. Temp at the top; 4 degrees New snow since close; 0 […]
Weekend Availability Nozawa Onsen
Weekend Availability Nozawa Onsen Snow storm clouds building in Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 29th of January 2021. Just a dusting overnight but you can feel it in the air that a good old fashioned dump is on its way. Temps have dropped by nearly 10 degrees overnight and the snow storm clouds are rolling in. We had some sunshine early and it has just started to snow now. Temp at the top; -9 degrees New snow since close; 2 cm Base at the top; 225 cm Snow conditions; Nice and cold and starting to fall Weather; Was some rays of sunshine this morning but snow closing in Weekend Availability Nozawa Onsen Yesterday was not our finest day this season […]
Hikage Gondola Nozawa Onsen Japan
Hikage Gondola Nozawa Onsen Japan Hikage Gondola before and after snow in Nozawa Hikage Gondola Nozawa Onsen Japan Hello to the Hikage Gondola in Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 27th of January 2021. Not a lot to talk about on the snow front today, a few locals doing some clearing getting ready for the next big storm set to hit us tomorrow. Time to mention the Hikage Gondola. Since the inception of the brand new Nagasaka Gondola it has been a little forgotten but make no mistake the Hikage Gondola is a work horse and also a little romantic with the cute egg type shape. This pic shows it now and just before the season when they were warming […]
Australians Ski Resorts Japan
Australians Ski Resorts Japan Happy Australia Day from Nozawa Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 26th of January 2021. In recent years there has always been a bit going on this day with all of our awesome Aussie visitors celebrating Australia Day in the village. Feels a bit empty this year without you all and the smell of BBQs in the snow. Its a beautiful Sunny day too so would have been a great day to get outside. Some years it snows so heavy on this day we struggle to get the fire going. Temp at the top; -2 degrees New snow since close; 0 cm Base at the top; 245 cm Snow conditions; Fun conditions in the sunshine Weather; Blue skies […]