March Kids Magic Nozawa A bit of March Magic yesterday in Nozawa OK so it wasn’t a huge dump or anything, just a dusting but it freshened things up and with the “frozen broccoli” up high and a bit of sun made for a great day on the slopes. Not crowded at all but lots of families about making the most of the conditions. We stayed high all day so not sure on the bottom but from Yamabiko down to Paradise was lots of fun. Here is a bit of footage from Uenotaira, always a nice mellow way to start your day in Nozawa. March Kids Magic Nozawa The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up top: 2 […]
Nozawa Onsen Izakaya Food
Nozawa Onsen Izakaya Food Dusting up top overnight in Nozawa You can see the snow line just up above Hikage as the trees start to turn a beautiful white colour. Temperatures in town are about 2 degrees so raining here but up higher has been snowing and the resort reporting 3 cm of fresh at Yamabiko and down to Uenotaira. Yamabiko should remain cold and light snow will probably continue most of the morning giving way to some sunshine a little later. The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up top: – 2 degrees New snow since close: 3 cm Base at top: 210 cm Snow conditions: Should be nice from mid way up with the fresh […]
Kids Ski Nozawa Onsen
Kids Ski Nozawa Onsen Not a bad way to spend your Monday in Nozawa Firstly apologies to everyone stuck behind their desks this beautiful Monday Morning. Glorious sunny day on the hill yesterday with great snow conditions under foot and views galore. Shaping up to be a similar day today in Nozawa. Temps will be a little warmer with that southern wind shift but swinging west later and may see some snow showers tonight. Yesterday was funny it was warm in the sun but the North wind was chilly. Down low was spring like but up top it was “ice cream head ache” cold and beautiful with the dusting we got overnight. Skied Skyline top to bottom and was […]
Ski Japan March Nozawa
Ski Japan March Nozawa March Magic has begun. Lets hope it is a good one in Nozawa Pretty fresh morning in town and on the hill with a dusting of snow overnight making everything look nice and fresh this morning. Should be fantastic up top but probably get a bit slushy down low as the day goes on. A big group in town for an Optometry conference from Australia with 140 of them taking to the slopes today. May be a good day to get your eyes checked. Welcome to all the delegates. The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up top: – 3 degrees New snow since close: 0 cm Base at top: 220 cm Snow conditions: […]
Fresh Tracks Nozawa Onsen Japan
Fresh Tracks Nozawa Onsen Japan Fresh Tracks for every one and the rabbit in Nozawa Yesterday was the bomb, as many people said to me throughout the day, “ It doesn’t get much better”. One Nozawa regular said it was Nozawa proper and he was getting nearly waist deep powder runs all morning. After the 70cm of fresh snow we received the day before the “Perfect Storm” then delivered a beautiful morning to enjoy it all. There are not too many people around now so there were plenty of fresh lines to be had. Today is looking like another beauty with the sun gracing us early and crystal clear blue skies. There will still be some fresh snow about the […]
Fairytale February Nozawa Onsen
Fairytale February Nozawa Onsen Fairytale February day in Nozawa Even after almost 30 seasons in Nozawa I still can’t believe how much the landscape can change here in the space of just a day. Another 22cm recorded since close of lifts yesterday evening. I am no mathematician but I figure that gives us close on 70cm of fresh snow within about 24 hours from this “Siberian Dream”! The base is now back up to 240cm this morning up at Yamabiko. The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up top: – 7 degrees New snow since close: 22 cm Base at top: 240 cm Snow conditions: Fresh tracks again across the resort today Weather: Snowing lightly set to ease […]
Dumping Late February Nozawa
Dumping Late February Nozawa Dumping in Nozawa this morning! The snow started falling in the village at about 8pm last night and waking up to nice big flakes lofting from the sky this morning in Nozawa. The resort was reporting 15cm of fresh up top early and would say that is increasing fairly quickly with the snow pretty heavy out my window right now. The local kids are heading to school but all the Powderhounds will be getting in line early to get fresh tracks. In general the slopes are very quiet at the moment and with the snow set to continue all day there should be plenty for everyone. The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up […]
All Safe Nozawa Onsen
All Safe Nozawa Onsen Get up top there is 15cm of fresh Snow! Got hit with rain in the village last night but the good news is that it was just that bit colder up the mountain and we got some respectable snow fall with half a foot falling across the upper slopes. Hard to tell where the snow line starts as sitting under some cloud at the moment but the resort is also reporting 15cm at Uenotaira. Looking at the web cams and things are clearing for what should be a fun day on the upper slopes. Light winds and temps are dropping, light snow is expected to fall through the day and get heavy tonight into tomorrow. The […]
Sun before Snow Nozawa
Sun before Snow Nozawa A little more sun before the Snow. Yesterday was a perfect day up in the slopes with the fresh snow from the day before and beautiful sunshine all day. Lots of families about having a great day and plenty of smiles rolling down the hill. The snow was nice and fast up top all day but did get sticky down lower as the day warmed up and the sun hit the snow. Here is a little video from up at Yamabiko yesterday just after lunch time. Today will be pretty stable temps all day sitting at just below freezing point up top and at 4 degrees down in the Village. Clear skies at the moment […]
Public Holiday Nozawa Onsen
Public Holiday Nozawa Onsen A Royal day to celebrate the Emperors Birthday in Japan Superb morning in Nozawa with the fresh snow delivered from yesterday’s blizzard like conditions and glorious sunshine shining down. A big change to yesterday when we got hit with a bit of a stealth Siberian storm across the region. Bit hard to tell how much snow fell as it was blowing around all over the place but guessing we got about 20cm. This shot was yesterday. The stats for the slopes today in Nozawa Temperature up top: -4 degrees New snow since close: 0 cm overnight but a good fall yesterday Base at top: 180 cm Snow conditions: Great conditions across the […]