Japan How Much Snow Japan How Much Snow How much snow does Japan get? People often ask us this question and the answer is it varies across the country of course but compared to other resorts on the planet we tend to get a lot! This year Nozawa received a total of about 900cm of snow fall and the peak base in late January was 355cm. That was probably regarded as a bit above average season. One great indicator of snow fall we like to see around this time of year is the huge snow walls at the nearby Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, the road was cut and opened on April the 15th this year and the highest point of […]
May Snow Nozawa Japan
May Snow Nozawa Japan Snow for up top in Nozawa overnight! No it is not a joke, check the web cams as up at Yamabiko is looking nice and white this morning and with temps below freezing levels the trees have taken on that frosted coat. Hard to imagine on May 7th. The lifts are closed and there is no official report so not sure how much we got but would say just a dusting. Can check the cams here https://www.nozawaholidays.com/snow-cams/ If wanted the slopes to yourself may be worth a walk up! Otherwise nearby Kumanoyu Resort at Shiga Kogen is open until May 12th and lift passes are just 3000 Yen a day. So there you go Winter refuses […]
Thank you from Nozawa Onsen
Thank you from Nozawa Onsen Today the Sun will set on the last day of the Ski Season in Nozawa Onsen. It is also “Children’s Day” or Kodomo no hi and we have a beautiful Sunny day up on the slopes so a good day to get up with the kids one last time. This photo was from April the 2nd just over a month ago when we got 100cm of snow in the first 3 days of April and the kids were working hard on the shovels. It has been an awesome season and we hope everyone that visited had a fantastic time. A huge Thank you and “Arigatou Gozaimashita” to everyone that came up to Nozawa this season, […]
Last Weekend Ski Season Nozawa Japan
Last Weekend of the Season in Nozawa! Looking like a beauty too here are the stats Base at Top; 150cm Base at Uenotaira; 80cm Runs open; All down to Paradise Weather; Sunny and light winds Forecast; Snow on Monday night? It is Spring skiing but cannot complain for May, with fun spring slush to enjoy. Lots of locals from Tokyo and around up to celebrate the Golden Week Holiday and last weekend of the season, and what a season it has been! So grab the kids, your friends and even your mother in law and get on up there. Enjoy the ice bar and last days on the mountain. Check out the cams this morning looking pretty nice up top […]
Flowers Japan Nozawa Nagano
Flowers Japan Nozawa Nagano Spring Flowers in Japan If you love flowers now is an amazing time to visit Nozawa and around Nagano. We have the Sakura or Cherry Blossoms out and also the beautiful yellow Nanohana or Canola flowers transforming the landscape. Spring time in Japan is amazing Flowers Japan Nozawa Nagano – Kanazawa Kenroku-en Gardens Nearby Kanazawa boasts one of the most famous Gardens in Japan the Kenroku-en Koen. The gorgeous gardens were once the outer garden of the Kanazawa Castle and are in the same amazing area. They were constructed in the Maeda Era and took nearly 200 Years to construct! They opened to the public in 1871 and have a wide variation of flowers and […]
Reiwa – New Era for Japan
Reiwa – New Era for Japan Dawn of a new era in Japan, The Reiwa Era as the next Emperor takes over the reign. The previous Emperor Akihito’s elder son, Naruhito, ascended the throne as the 126th Emperor of Japan. There will be a number of ceremonies taking place in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo involving all the dignitaries. A few interesting facts – Emperor Akihito stood down which was the first time in 200 Years as usually the change takes place when the current Emperor dies. – This also means a change in the Calendar as many Japanese use this system of counting the years by years of the ruling Emperor rather than the Western Calendar. So yesterday was […]
Golden Week May Skiing Japan
Golden Week May Skiing Japan Just One Week left in the Ski Season for Nozawa and we had a day like this yesterday! Some resorts in the world would be happy with a day like this and 190cm base in peak season so great to see it at the very end of ours here. It has been a great season that started on December 10th a little later than some years but when the lifts stop rolling on May 5th this Sunday we will have nearly had 5 months on the slopes in Nozawa. Link to the opening day report https://www.nozawaholidays.com/…/nozawa-onsen-ski-resort-o…/ Hope everyone had a great time when up here visiting and please feel free to share your highlights. Bookings already […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 29/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 29th of April 2019 This Nozawa Onsen spring keeps on giving. The resort is reporting a couple of centimetres overnight to go with what we awoke to yesterday. It really is amazing how much snow we have been blessed with during the month of April. What it all means is that there is still a very healthy base up top. There are only a few days left in the ski season before it’s the Green Season‘s turn. It tends to surprise people that we have such a long season here in Nozawa Onsen but it’s probably fair to say that everyone has been surprised by April’s snowfall. Coinciding with Japan’s Golden Week celebrations, it truly […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 28/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 28/4/2019 Nozawa Onsen spring snow is not something we’d expect this late in the season. But we’ll certainly take it! We saw in excess of 10 centimetres fall yesterday. At last count, around midday, it was 11cm before the afternoon brought even more. Another few centimetres fell upon the top of Mount Kenashi last night. All in all, fantastic news for skiers in Nozawa Onsen and a great way to kick off this year’s Golden Week. The sun is out already and there are a few more people rolling into town already. Golden Week combined with fresh snow will certainly make for a vibrant atmosphere. With the temperatures now climbing, it creates the unique opportunity […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 27/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 27th of April 2019 It’s probably a little hard to believe after reading the date above but we got some fresh snow overnight. It fell as rain at village level but up on the mountain, a respectable 6 centimetres. There’s even better news. The forecast suggests it will continue throughout the day before giving way to more bright sunshiny days like the one pictured above. This image was taken just a few short days ago. So imagine this scene with a new 6-centimetre layer. For the rest of this year’s special Golden Week, it looks as though temperatures will either be too dry or too warm to bring more snow. So we’re probably looking at […]