Snow Late April Nozawa Japan Snow Forecast for Nozawa from tonight! Hard to believe we may get some more snow at this time of year. This shot was the last snowfall we had about 2 weeks ago now which was pretty special for that time of year, but late April is very rare. They are saying this is season that keeps on giving but late April is pure charity! Anyway wait and see what Mother Nature dishes up. Nice to see some cold temps again and with 180cm of base remaining we should be fine to see out the Golden Week holiday skiing up the top at Yamabiko. Should be a good festive vibe around the village with lots of […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 21/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 21st of April 2019 While we’re still here enjoying some very decent spring skiing, it’s worth considering what else is on offer. Nozawa Onsen spring is beautiful in its own right. However, it also provides a great base from which to explore the area. Many of our guests tend to use spring to take day trips to places like Kanazawa, Nagano city, Togakushi, Joestu (pictured), Matsumoto, and others. Of course, those same places also exist during the Green Season. One of the great treasures of Japan is its distinct changing of the seasons. What was once caked in metres of white springs to life in vibrant green during the warmer months. Snow melts to open […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 20/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 20th of April 2019 Today is what spring is about. Being Saturday, Paradise is open and a great place for a beer in the sun between runs. It’s getting towards t-shirt weather down in the village but up on top of the mountain, there’s plenty of Nozawa Onsen spring skiing to be had. Temperatures look like they’ll slowly climb over the next week. By the time Golden Week rolls around, we should be well into the 20s in the village. All things going according to plan, we’ll be sliding atop Mount Kenashi up until the 5th of May. That last week being the Golden Week holiday period creates a unique vibe around town. Not only […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 19/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 19th of April 2019 It was a lengthy bout but spring has finally wrestled control from winter. The first half of April blessed us with much snow but it seems as though true spring is finally here. Out come the farmers and bears (you might need to check out our Instagram/Facebook pages if you haven’t seen that photo). Spring doesn’t mean we’re done though. There’s still a very respectable base of 260cm at the Yamabiko area. What is the top of the mountain looking like, according to official reports? At 7:01 am; Temp at the top; 6C New snow since close; 0cm Base at the top; 260cm Weather; cloudy The resort will stay open until […]
Cherry Blossoms bloom Nagano
Cherry Blossoms bloom Nagano All this glorious Spring weather has brought out the Cherry Blossoms or Sakura. Here a newly married couple enjoying the beauty of the season at Zenkoji Temple in Nagano. Keep an eye out as more and more start to bloom around the area. Another great reason to visit Nozawa for Spring skiing Can read more about the Cherry Blossoms and Visiting Nozawa in Spring here Spring skiing and Cherry Blossoms Nozawa Japan On the snow front today more Spring fun with temps at a warn 10 degrees and base at 275cm. Looks like we may get a cool dip on Friday night but would say not a lot more snow on the card for Nozawa this season. […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 15/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 15th of April 2019 It’s probably fair to say that we’ve now reached the part of the season more typically associated with the word “spring”. Most will remember the first three days of April where we saw in excess of a metre of fresh snow. There were a few significant falls to follow that too. But now, it seems as though the return to winter is done. It’s time to enjoy the views and relatively warm temperatures. Today is all about sunshine. Tomorrow promises much the same thing. Temperatures will continue to climb throughout today and into tomorrow. Now, it’s spring. Something the local farmers are probably pretty happy about! So what’s the official word […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 13/4/2019
Clouds yesterday but it looks like only sunshine today. Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 13th of April 2019 Yesterday didn’t feel too much like spring skiing. In fact, that may be said of most of April, so far. It’s been a continuously wintery affair, whether that be the huge amount of snowfall or simply the cold temperatures. As it stands right now, the forecast says those temperatures will lift a little today. However, it also says tomorrow night may bring more of the white good stuff to the top of Mount Kenashi. Maybe. So let’s bask in the sunshine today, while it lasts. If you miss a Saturday slide, the sunshine should return on Monday. In fact, we’ve got to […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 12/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 12/4/2019 April has been so kind to us, thus far. But will our luck continue? I guess it depends upon what you’re after. It sounds strange to say but we’ve had so much snow this month that it might even be nice to string a few days of sunshine together. But hey, if Mother Nature wants to throw some more late season snow at us, we won’t be complaining. It looks like she’s got us covered for both. Maybe. Today is forecast to remain cold but it’s doubtful we’ll see too much snow as a result but perhaps a little. Tomorrow is all about the sunshine. The same goes for the first few days of […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 10/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 10th of April 2019 April continues upon its merry way this spring. We awoke to 15cm yesterday (as above) and while there was nothing last night, it’s definitely snowing now! The snowfall has become progressively heavier this morning. It’s now falling reasonably heavy in the village and we can only anticipate what’s happening up top. It is spring, of course, and we all remember how the first few days of April made fools of us. Here we were thinking the sunshine and warm temperatures would be here to stay. Now, look at us! It might not be what the local farmers were hoping for but for among the rest of us, nobody is complaining. The […]
Nozawa Local Guide
Local Guide Nozawa Onsen In this addition we are talking with Alex Parsons a Snowboard Instructor originally from Australia that has been visiting and working in Nozawa Onsen for several years now. She is also a writer and has graced the pages of many ski journals with in Print and on the screen. We talk to Alex and learn some of her best tips and secrets on the good oil for things to do in Nozawa Onsen. Skier or Boarder or something else? Once upon a time I was a skier. I swapped when I was about 21 and have been a dedicated snowboarder ever since. How many seasons have you been in Nozawa? Two seasons and about three holidays […]