Nozawa’s terrain is considered 30% advanced but there’s a lot of fantastic off-piste riding that’s not taken into account. With so many tree runs, epic backcountry and a small park, the resort’s advanced terrain really deserves an article of its own. Here’s a break down of the best spots in Nozawa for advanced skiing. (Beginners, families and intermediates will find terrain information in this article.) Off-piste for advanced skiing in Nozawa Nozawa has one of the highest annual snowfalls in the world so the off-piste trees are magic. Nozawa is also one of the few Japanese resorts that has started to embrace off-piste skiing. The resort has opened up the tree section in the Yamabiko area at the top […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 9/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 9th of April 2019 This April has been very kind to us. The first couple of days brought us 20 centimetres each and then it got crazier from there for the third and fourth days. After a little bit of respite to enjoy the view, we’ve awoken to yet more Nozawa Onsen spring snow today. Temperatures look like they might stay pretty low over the next few days. Tomorrow looks like it might even bring us more snow. And here’s us thinking it was April. Many other ski resorts have packed up and gone home and here’s us, still spring skiing and still receiving plenty of spring snow. Literally. It’s snowing lightly right now, as […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 8/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 8th of April 2019 The clouds have well and truly rolled in today. It’s misty and ominous looking around town and on the mountain. According to the forecast for tonight, that could mean a whole heap of new white stuff for the top of Mount Kenashi. Well into the double-digits is forecast for the summit. Temperatures may prevent rain from turning to snow down in the village so don’t let conditions fool you upon waking up. It’s difficult to predict exactly what will happen a day out but if temperatures should happen to drop, who knows? Either way, it looks as though the top of the mountain is the place to be, as it so […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 7/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 7th of April 2019 After April’s early onslaught, things have calmed a little to allow us to enjoy a view. There’s still more than enough up top in terms of a base to ski upon. The only thing that might change in the few days to come is the clouds are rolling in. This looks set to mean good things for the top of the mountain. Snow is forecast but the warmer temperatures will mean this weather probably falls as rain down in the village. So again, it’s a case of getting up, taking a look outside and being not being disillusioned by the wet outside the window. This is typical of later in the […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 6/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 6th of April 2019 Not a bad Nozawa Onsen spring day we have. After that amazing amount of snow over the first four days of April, yesterday was a sunny affair. There’s to be more of the same today. Great conditions right up top and some amazing views to go with it. Tomorrow should mostly be the same but may change in the afternoon. From then on could be interesting. At this point, it looks as though temperatures may be a little warm to turn to snow in the village. But that’s not the case up top. So it could turn out to be one of those spring-specific occasions where you look out the window […]
Skiing Japan with Kids
Skiing Japan with Kids Easter Holidays time and wondering what to do with the Kids? Why not take them on a skiing and exploring holiday to Nozawa Onsen Japan. Japan and skiing is a great holiday at any time of the year but here are a few reasons why April and Spring skiing are even better with the little ones Beautiful Weather we get lots of this warmer sunny days in April Snow conditions still fun and we can get fresh snow falls too. Base is at 300cm today and we had 100cm of fresh snow fall in the first 3 days of April No crowds at all, can easily get into your favourite restaurant and will never line up […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 4/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 4th of April 2019 What an April we’ve witnessed, so far! The first three days of spring’s second month looked and felt exactly like winter. Some even said there was “too much snow”. Yesterday was pretty epic, however, today gives us a chance to enjoy the view as well as all the untouched pockets of powder. The forecast for the next three days shows sunshine across the board. That’s with the slight exception of Friday night which may bring a dusting. The temperatures should be just a little higher than they have been making for some great spring skiing. We are now looking at a very respectable base up top to get us right through […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 3/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 3rd of April 2019 Who saw this coming in April? Anyone with their hand up is a liar! April kicked off with 20cm followed by another 20cm… Then we were blessed with another 35 centimetres up top overnight. But it feels like we got that down in the village. Either way, it’s 35 official centimetres and counting. It continues to snow at 10am as it has been all morning and, presumably, all night. The base at the top of the mountain is now way up over three metres at 340cm and the snowfall continues. This is looking great for the duration of the season. Right up until the end of Golden Week, during the beginning […]
What the Heck is a Kamoshika and How To Spot One
Do you know about the famed kamoshika? If you’ve been to Nozawa before you’re sure to have heard of the name at least and you may have been lucky enough to spot a kamoshika. They are gorgeous creatures who wander through the mountains of Nozawa and other areas of Japan. They’re a Japanese serow, which is a sort of goat/antelope animal and they like to wander the forests alone, nibbling on leaves and shoots as they go. Kamoshika are now a national symbol of Japan. They’ve been considered a “special natural monument” since 1955 but it wasn’t always so. Before that time they were a threatened species due to overhunting and loss of habitat. Now they are happily thriving, although […]
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report 2/4/2019
Nozawa Onsen Spring Snow Report, 2nd of March 2019 We’re certainly getting our bang for buck this Nozawa Onsen spring. The first few days of April aren’t letting us down after what was a truly Magic March. Following the 20 centimetres we awoke to on April Fools’ Day, today we see another 20 cm. Both evenings have added to what was already a healthy base up top for spring skiing. It’s now back up to 3 metres! Most of the lower lifts and runs closed yesterday as planned. However, there’s more than enough snow around. Things are looking good to get us right through up until the 5th of May during Golden Week when the mountain finally stops for the […]