Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 1 April 2017 Still a huge 400cm base in Nozawa to start Spring! Base at top: 400 cm Temp at Top: -2 Degree Base at Uenotaira station: 300 cm New snow since close: 0cm Weather: Cool and Cloudy with Fog up top We got a bit of a dusting overnight up top and nice and cold this morning with a calm ghostly feel on the slopes. The trees are looking very pretty. Yesterday was pretty cold all day too. Enjoy the Winter feel while you can as looks Japanese precision is going to come in to play again with the Seasons. This is the last weekend for all the lifts to be operating for the […]
Latest News from Nozawa Onsen
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 31 March 2017
Cloudy with a chance of snow Base at top: 400 cm Temp at Top: -5 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 305 cm New snow since close: 0 cm Weather: Cloudy Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 31 March 2017 Weather has took a turn from the last few days with clouds covering most of the Nagano region. A slight chill up top of the mountain today with possibility of light snow in the late afternoon. Tomorrow’s temperature will rise again with the Sun making an appearance. Its looking like its going to be another Sunny spring weekend coming up and hopefully entering April with a 4 meter snow base up top…..
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 30 March 2017
Another Sunny day! Base at top: 410 cm Temp at Top: -2 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 315 cm New snow since close: 0 cm Weather: Sunny Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 30 March 2017 Another scorcher of a day today. Excellent Spring conditions this morning with temperatures on the rise throughout the day. Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 30 March 2017 We are expecting some clouds to roll in later this afternoon with a slight chance of rain overnight. Tomorrow Is looking like the temperature will drop and become more cloudy with rain/snow in the afternoon. Not to worry though as there will be plenty of sun in the forecast for the weekend..
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 29 March 2017
Back to Spring! Base at top: 430 cm Temp at Top: -5 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 330 cm New snow since close: 5 cm Weather: Sunny Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 29 March 2017 Waking up to a beautiful sunny morning today. Looking like its going to stay clear and warm up throughout the day. Still a little bit of fresh snow with a new 5cm reported up top. Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 29 March 2017 We can expect a perfect Spring day! Get the sunnies out and layer up that sun cream.. Tomorrow will be warmer again with a slight chance of rain in the forecast.
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 28 March 2017
Did we just wake up in January??? Base at top: 435 cm Temp at Top: -7 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 335 cm New snow since close: 28 cm Weather: Bluebird powder day! Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 28 March 2017 What just happened?? I am sure everyone has woke up this morning with light shining through their windows and taking a look outside thinking – WHAT???? Today is truly a day of ‘March Magic’. The mountain has reported a whopping 28cm of new snow up top and about 10cm settled in town. For those who have came to Japan and always dreamed of that Japanese Powder, today is the day to head on down to Nozawa Central Rentals and swap […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 27 March 2017
Snowing up top of mountain! Base at top: 415 cm Temp at Top: -3 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 315 cm New snow since close: 8 cm Weather: Snowing Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 27 March 2017 A wet start to the morning down here in Nozawa Onsen with snow dropping higher up the mountain. Not much sign of it clearing up today but the good news is that the temperature is expecting to drop with freezing levels getting lower. Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 27 March 2017 Low visibility on the upper runs with a fresh 8cm of snow measured this morning. Snow forecast has changed quiet abit from yesterday but its not all doom and gloom! Wednesday is still […]
Jumping into Spring Powder!!!!
The last week of March and plenty of snow around!! Thanks to Jarra Joseph-Mcgrath for these awesome shots. We are always excited to check out photos taken by our guests whilst on holiday. March is always a fantastic month to book your holiday at Nozawa Onsen. Plenty of snow around and perfect sunny days like these….
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 26 March 2017
New snow is due in tonight…… Base at top: 410 cm Temp at Top: -6 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 315 cm New snow since close: 0 cm Weather: Cloudy Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 26 March 2017 A cloudy morning with not much chance of sun breaking through today. Cold temperatures up top will keep the runs in great condition. Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 26 March 2017 For those who are interested in trying a bit of local Sake there will be some free tasting up top of Nagasaka gondola at 11am this morning, not a bad way to warm yourself up!Junior halfpipe competition also scheduled for today. Anyone who is keen to have a relax day and take it […]
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 25 March 2017
Is it March??? Base at top: 430 cm Temp at Top: -7 Degrees Base at Uenotaira station: 330 cm New snow since close: 15 cm Weather: Sun with some clouds Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 25 March 2017 Cracking start to the weekend! With about 15 cm of fresh snow and currently sitting at -7 up top this morning, it certainly doesnt feel like spring?? Base up at Yamabiko is now measuring a whopping 430cm with lots of fresh tracks yet to be had. Today we can expect the mountian to be a little bit more busier than the last few days as the weekend tourists would have been arriving last night and this morning. Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 25 March […]
March Madness Nozawa Onsen
March Madness Nozawa Onsen Should have been here yesterday in Nozawa! 24th of March 2017 Wow yesterday was one for the books the snow just kept coming and temps were very cold. Check out this footage from Buna yesterday afternoon with blizzard like conditions. Many of the seasonal staff and locals were saying it was like mid winter in January. We ended up with around 40cm for the day and the base is sitting at a season high of 430cm this morning. The Good news is today should be just as good with a lot of snow falling as lifts closed yesterday and still falling lightly now in the village and the sun starting to poke its head out. Stay […]