Meter of Powder in Late March Meter of Powder in Late March A meter of powder in late March for Nozawa. Feeling on top of the world after yesterday’s epic powder day in Nozawa Onsen! Surpassing the 3m base snow mark this season has everyone buzzing with excitement around the resort! Yesterday’s non-stop snowfall gifted us endless first tracks and left us happily exhausted, with some of our regular Nozawa Holidays guests calling it their best day on the slopes ever. It is still snowing on the door step this morning, but occasional sunshine expected to sneak through later setting us up for another epic March day on the slopes. Bundle up because today’s forecast predicts consistently cold […]
Latest News from Nozawa Onsen
Spring Skiing Nozawa Japan
Spring Skiing Nozawa Japan Relentless March just keeps on giving in Nozawa Waking up to a massive 70cm of fresh snow overnight up at Yamabiko. Hitting a new peak base of the season of 310cm, smashing through the 3 meter mark for the first time this season! About 40cm down in town and all my elderly neighbour could say as we cleared her steps was – “It’s March”! The snow should continue to fall lightly all day, ensuring a generous top-up of powder from the latest storm, setting the stage for another epic spring day which will feel like mid winter. Despite the white out conditions we saw yesterday afternoon, there were a few dedicated powder hounds that braved the […]
Winter Wonders & Family Fun
Winter wonders & family fun Winter wonders & family fun Tuesday in Nozawa Onsen brings a welcome relief from yesterday’s gusty winds, as light westerly breezes are expected throughout the day, allowing the gondolas to open up! Remember to layer up as temperatures drop, reminiscent of yesterday’s cold snap. We are in for some overcast skies throughout the day, providing a sense of calm before the storm… Winter wonders & family fun A small reminder of the family Snow Sports Day with Naski coming up March 23rd! Join in for unforgettable family day of fun involving, sled races, snowball throwing, and more at Kids Park in the Hikage area. Teams of children (ages 3-12) and their guardians can compete together […]
Snowy Beginnings In Nozawa Onsen – Another March Edition
Snowy Beginnings In Nozawa Onsen – Another March Edition Snowy Beginnings In Nozawa Onsen – Another March Edition Today marks the beginning of a big week of expected snowfall in Nozawa Onsen, with light snow expected to cover the slopes throughout today. A nice 3cm dusting overnight up top with a lesser dusting in the village. The Nagasaka gondala and Hikage gondala are currently suspended this morning due to the high wind activity. All of the lower mountain chairlifts will be scheduled to run as per normal at this stage. After a jam packed weekend of activities, consider this a gentle nudge from mother nature to slow things down and discover the charm of the town. Embrace today as an […]
March Magic Continues
March Magic Continues March Magic Continues Another beautiful day on the slopes today in Nozawa Onsen! With sunny skies greeting you in the morning and intermittent cloud coverage and snow showers throughout the afternoon. Yesterday, the annual pigeon cup racing kicked off the weekend, with some exciting performances enjoyed by all spectating. Another day of racing ahead today, alongside the monthly kids’ free slope day. So get the kids out and about, it is an exciting day to be in the snow! March Magic Continues ⛅️TODAY: Temperature at the top: 4℃ at top of Yamabiko New snow since yesterday: 0 cm Base at top: 240cm Wind: 20km/h West North West, increasing to 25km/h throughout the day. Weather: Sunny with […]
Finally T-Shirt weather in Nozawa
Finally T-Shirt weather in Nozawa Finally T-Shirt weather in Nozawa Yesterday was the first day since about October that I was comfortable to wear a T-Shirt in town. Have seen a few other crazy people bearing their arms earlier in the season but yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. Great day to clean the snow off the solar panels and get them to work. On the hill was also awesome especially early the snow up top was beautiful with views to match. Naturally it got slushy later but a fun day was had by all. Today should be more of the same. Fairly busy weekend with the Top to Bottom race happening tomorrow. It is probably the last […]
A March to remember in Nozawa
A March to remember in Nozawa A March to remember in Nozawa Locals often say some years when we don’t get so much snow in January and February then March goes into overdrive. That has certainly been the case this year with many that have been here since early December calling yesterday as good as it gets. We were still getting fresh lines at 3pm yesterday afternoon. The mountain actually got another 20cm during the day on top of the 45cm we had overnight. On February 21st we had only a 160cm base and things were looking grim for March. Yesterday we hit 295cm base almost double that of just over 3 weeks ago! Today is going to […]
Half a meter March Nozawa
Half a meter March Nozawa Half a meter March Nozawa Half a meter of snow for mid March in Nozawa! Report just in from the resort and they are reporting 45cm of fresh snow for the top at Yamabiko. We didn’t get anywhere near that in town but up top with the colder temps looks like was going hard all night. The base has also jumped to a new peak for the season at 280cm! Not bad for spring skiing. It is heavy in the village but at -5 degrees up top it is sure to be good up there so get high as soon as can. Have not heard on the gondola opening yet but think will […]
March 2024 Nozawa Forecast
March 2024 Nozawa Forecast March days like these… Wow yesterday was a show stopper on the hill with perfect conditions for the lucky ones here to enjoy. The sun was out early and the snow and views fantastic. We had a few guests check in and they were pinching themselves that had arrived with such good timing. This morning in contrast we are waking up under a layer of high cloud. Should still be a great day on the slopes with very few people to share it with. Temps are a little warmer this morning but will drop throughout today and that snow storm for this evening is growing like a teenager with up to 50cm expected overnight. Hang on […]
March Peak Snow Nozawa
March Peak Snow Nozawa Winter go home you’ve had one too many! Boom another Magic Foot overnight and the snow tap is still turned fully on this morning. We have hit peak base for the season today sitting at 260cm up at Yamabiko after yesterday’s top up and last nights 25cm. This has eclipsed the previous peak of 230cm. Not bad for March 10th! There must be close to a foot in town too and it is light. Will be a great day for the powder hounds, would be tempted to say one of the best of the season. Our sincere apologies to anyone the came to Nozawa for Spring skiing this March. Winter is still in control. If keen […]