I’ve just popped up a new article about what to consider before coming skiing in Japan. Time to start planning next seasons trip, I’d say. You can read it here.
Latest News from Nozawa Onsen
Beautiful Spring Day on the Slopes in Nozawa
Beautiful Spring day on the Slopes in Nozawa Base up top: 275 cm Temp Top; 5 Degrees Base at bottom; 95 cm New Snow since close: 0 cm Weather; Spring Skiing Nice warm Spring day here in Nozawa Onsen. Clear skies with beautiful views across the valley today. Still nice conditions up top but will be a bit slushy down low. Yesterday was also a great day and the snow was pretty fast up top but slower down below Temperatures should drop from tomorrow and will hopefully go back into the negatives up top. Not a lot of snow on the radar but that may change. Only a few more days and we are officially in Spring. Lots […]
Bluebird start to the day in Nozawa a great time to Ski Japan
Bluebird start in Nozawa Base up top: 290 cm Temp Top; -8 Degrees Base at bottom; 100 cm New Snow since close: 10 cm Weather; Sun and Fun As was forecast we got blessed with a nice little top up of snow overnight in Nozawa. It was not heavy in the Village but snowed off and on through the night and then the sun burst out this morning. Had a scoot around the lower slopes this morning and was nice conditions. One of the Instructors sent me this shot from the top at Yamabiko early and it looks beautiful. Pretty cold temps early but should rise over the next few days and some sunshine. Next decent fall […]
Sunny, snow tomorrow
Base up top: 285cm Temp Top; +4 Degrees Base at bottom: 105cm New Snow since close: 0cm We woke to a cool partly cloudy morning in Nozawa Onsen. Since then temperatures warmed from -4C at the summit and we now have positive temps across the mountain. As a result the snow will be slushy; but less so at the top. Winds are light and crowds are also quite low for a Sunday. The picks today will be the challenge area pistes earlier and then Yamabiko after lunch with the two natural pipes in fine form. The terrain park will be good with the slushy conditions. We expect clear sunny conditions to last the day. Yesterday was cold […]
Overcast, some flurries
Base up top: 285cm Temp Top; -4 Degrees Base at bottom: 110cm New Snow since close: 0cm At the moment we have some overcast conditions in Nozawa Onsen. There were some very light flurries down in the village earlier, but these seem to have stopped for the time being. As expected, we received only light falls, with just a dusting being recorded overnight. Temperatures are cool with -4C at the summit and just above freezing in the village. Groomed runs will be good with firm and fast conditions lasting all day. The trees will be better than yesterday, although icy with the freeze thaw conditions we had recently. It’s pretty quite on the mountain considering today is […]
Sunny with snow expected
Base up top: 290cm Temp Top; -1 Degrees Base at bottom: 120cm New Snow since close: 0cm It’s another picture perfect morning in Nozawa. Light winds, clear skies and still plenty of fresh snow on offer. Great day for a ski or board! Best riding will be had on the upper slopes where continual below freezing temperatures have maintained excellent snow quality, with the odd powder stash. Groomed runs will be silky smooth and remain that way as the day draws on. Lower pistes will be firm and fast early, becoming slushy around lunch. Reports suggest that the spectacular cherry blossoms are coming out in Tokyo at the moment, a sight well worth checking out. Spring is […]
Powder day!
Base up top: 295cm Temp Top; -6 Degrees Base at bottom: 120cm New Snow since close: 5cm What an awesome morning it is! We have had a moderate dump of fresh Japan powder overnight with 5cm at Yamabiko, 8cm at Uenotaira. However reports from the mountain suggest more than a few much deeper light dry windblown stashes with many areas about knee deep, especially in the higher elevation gullies. Light snowfalls are continuing at present and extremely low crowd levels will ensure fresh tracks will be easily found all day long. The gondola line was maybe 15 people waiting at opening. On a powder day this is a testament to how uncrowded the slopes are. For those […]
Overcast, snow expected
Base up top: 290cm Temp Top; +2 Degrees Base at bottom: 115cm New Snow since close: 0cm It’s an overcast morning today in Nozawa Onsen. Winds are light across the resort and the mountain is very uncrowded indeed. Snow conditions today will be forgiving and slushy with positive temperatures measured from top to bottom. Like yesterday the groomed runs will offer the best turns, especially those found in the Yamabiko area. It’s an excellent day to practice in the park and the mogul runs are also in fine form. Off piste runs are very dangerous at the moment with numerous wet, heavy slides on the steeper pitches. Massive horizontal cracks, mostly unseen from above, have formed exposing […]
Stable conditions return
Base up top: 295cm Temp Top; -1 Degrees Base at bottom: 125cm New Snow since close: 0cm What a wild day it was yesterday! Some of the strongest winds of the season forced closure of the entire top half of the mountain. Only the lower pistes remained open in slushy and very warm conditions. Fortunately we didn’t receive as much rainfall as originally expected with the majority falling overnight in combination with colder temps. However, there was not new snow to report overnight. We have a much better day today. The sun is out, the strong winds have abated and the rain has moved on. Snow conditions will be slushy top to bottom from the outset today. […]
A windy spring day
Base up top: 310cm Temp Top; +4 Degrees Base at bottom: 140cm New Snow since close: 0cm It’s a windy one in Nozawa this morning. The Nagasaka gondola is currently on wind hold but the Hikage gondola is still running. Temperatures are extremely warm as predicted but crowds are very light. Today’s snow will be slushy from the outset, slow in places. The pick today will be the groomers and park which will be fun and forgiving considering the snow conditions. Off piste runs will be best avoided today unless you are up for a real challenge turning. Likewise yesterday was also extremely warm but the sunny conditions made for some very nice spring skiing. Up top […]