Base up top: 430 cm Temperature; -10 Degrees Base at bottom; 305 cm New Snow: 40 cm Mother Nature has been getting busy in Nozawa overnight with a huge 40cm plus dump being delivered to the resort. Had a friend call me from Tokyo last night asking if they needed chains to come up and said always carry them but should be fine. Definitely needed them today. Have had a few come down the mountain talking of amazing face shots and armpit deep in places! Was well over the knees in the car park this morning here! The base has smashed thru the 4 meter mark and now sitting at a very respectable 430cm! Still falling heavy outside now, […]
Latest News from Nozawa Onsen
Upcoming events in Nozawa Onsen
Base up top: 380 cm Temperature; -6 Degrees Base at bottom; 270 cm New Snow: 10 cm Has been a while since we had this rhythm beating in Nozawa. Had been getting used to constant snow. But today is a magnificent day with at least 10cm of fresh snow and glorious sunshine. Yesterday was more or less a carbon copy with pristine conditions all over the resort and about 20cm of fresh. Everyone was back down as late as possible enjoying the magic sunset. The snow is supposed to continue today and a bit tomorrow then blue bird on Sunday but at the moment it is pretty bright outside at the moment. For anyone coming up to Nozawa in […]
Blue skies and Jazz Tunes ahead for Nozawa
Base up top: 385 cm Temperature; -7 Degrees Base at bottom; 270 cm New Snow: 5 cm Have been blessed with some nice blue skies in Nozawa this morning. Really squinting when go outside as the eyes adjust to the brightness. Feels like we have been in a snow cave for a while! Reports are showing 5cm of fresh since lifts closed yesterday plus what we received yesterday day is reflected by an overall slight increase in the base levels today. Should make for a fun on the slopes, especially since there were not many up there yesterday with all the fog about. May even be a few nice fresh lies up for grabs. Yesterday was pretty hard to […]
Dreaming of some Spring skiing in Japan?
Base up top: 380 cm Temperature; -5 Degrees Base at bottom; 265 cm New Snow: 0 cm We woke up to a pretty bleak start to the day here in Nozawa with fog blanketing most of the resort and even some rain down low. It is giving way now to some light snow down low and heavier up high. Visibility is pretty non-existent and it is more like an English ferry crossing up high at the moment. But there have been a few come back and say the snow quality is pretty nice up top. They have decided to hit an onsen and wait for better views tomorrow! Down low is not as bad and if you are keen […]
Snow walls still building in Nozawa! We are in for a long season
Base up top: 395 cm Temperature; 0 Degrees Base at bottom; 280 cm New Snow: 5 cm Happy Valentines day from Nozawa Onsen. Today on the slopes at Hikage they are giving out free chocolate fondue so if you missed out head down there and drown your sorrows in chocolate. On the weather front a pretty foggy day all over the resort and warmish weather, which is probably, responsible for the fog as the warm moist air blows over the snow. The riding conditions up high should still good with a bit of fresh falling after lifts closed yesterday. The road clearers have been at work again yesterday and the sides of the roads just keep getting higher around […]
A Different day today in Nozawa
Base up top: 395 cm Temperature; +1 Degrees Base at bottom; 295 cm New Snow: 10 cm After the blizzard type condition yesterday we woke to a beautiful Blue Bird day this morning in Nozawa. Feels like a different world with bright sunshine and light winds it is going to be one of those special days up on the mountain. Yesterday was hard going but some terrific snow to be had for the brave. The 30m rail contest was pretty popular and a big congratulations to Alba from Switzerland who is 30 kg of rice richer! The winds have switched to the south now and with it we are expecting a bit of a jump in temps for the […]
Wild Winter conditions in Nozawa today
Base up top: 400 cm Temperature; -8 Degrees Base at bottom; 290 cm New Snow: 30 cm Woke up to Blizzard like conditions this morning in Nozawa, again a bit unexpected. We were expecting light snow and even a bit of sun but it is wild and wooly out there now. Official reports are showing about 20cm has fallen but the measuring sticks are probably a bit out with all the wind. My windscreen is telling me it is about 30cm of fresh again. Will be challenging but rewarding on the mountain and there should be plenty of fresh tracks on offer with the snow still falling heavy outside as I type. Yesterday was belissimo on the slopes the […]
Expect the unexpected in Nozawa Onsen
Base up top: 395cm Temperature; -8 Degrees Base at bottom; 295 cm New Snow: 50 cm Was not expecting that when went to bed last night. It was snowing lightly but has taken off and we have 50cm on the front door and should be even more up top. Didn’t even see anyone at breakfast this morning with everyone racing out the door to get amongst the fresh snow. Feels like a while since we have had to dig out the cars in the morning and was beautiful to see! Yesterday was a terrific day too with reports of about 20cm of fresh up top. But today should be deeper and the powder hounds hunger should be well catered […]
Cruising along nicely in Nozawa
Cruising along nicely in Nozawa Base up top: 370cm Temperature; -7 Degrees Base at bottom; 265 cm New Snow: 5-10 cm up top Yesterday turned out to be a pretty awesome day on the mountain. The snow just kept falling most of the day and filled tracks and created some nice stashes around the place. There were some happy campers at the end of the day getting more than they had expected. This morning should be much the same with the snow falling after lifts closed and then a little more this morning. There were actually huge saucer size flakes floating down while was having my morning cup of coffee. Outlook is still for fairly consistent falls but only […]
Nozawa day in the Park
Base up top: 385 cm Temperature; -10 Degrees Base at bottom; 260 cm New Snow: 5-10 cm up top Good morning from Nozawa Onsen where we have been woken by a bit of a flurry of snow falling this morning. Lmost worthy of strapping on the powder boards! Was pretty heavy at times but the tap seems to be only on about half way at the moment! Just had one happy slider come down and said was a beautiful morning with soft snow and some sunshine filtering thru. Don’t mind these little top ups as it keeps the slopes fresh and not too crazy down in the village for the shovel crew. The call has gone out for a […]