Day Tours Nozawa Skiing Rest And the good snow just keeps on coming… Eleven centimetres of fresh powder is ready and waiting for you to carve fresh tracks into this morning. On days like recent, where the snow is just THAT GOOD, it can be really tempting to keep pushing it. But, powder skiing and riding is tiring. And it’s okay to break up your skiing holiday with some rest days. In fact, Nozawa Onsen is the perfect base for some less intense adventures. Some exciting day trip ideas include: A trip to Nagano City – the prefectural capital city. There is a direct bus from Nozawa to Nagano that leaves around 10am or 4pm each day. In Nagano, there’s […]
Nozawa onsen food
Exploring Snowy Nozawa Onsen
Exploring Snowy Nozawa Onsen In the past two days we’ve had just under 2 metres of new snow! And the snow will still be falling for the rest of the week with brilliant skiing and boarding conditions in that fresh powder. One of the things I often hear visitors talking about is how they love Nozawa Onsen because it’s also a traditional Japanese village. It’s what makes our home stand out from other ski resorts! So, if you’re travelled here from another country, make the most of being pushed into the unfamiliar. For every yum Western-style restaurant, there are several Japanese restaurants, selling katsu curry to fresh sashimi, yakitori, and soba style noodle dishes, and of course, ramen joints! It […]
Restaurant booking advice Nozawa
Restaurant booking advice Nozawa When dining out in Nozawa Onsen during busy season, it can often be difficult to find a space in the popular spots! I’d recommend getting in early – most people eat around 7pm so head to that restaurant you’ve been thinking about all day while out skiing at 6pm instead! You can also book ahead! Many of the restaurants here have seasonal English speaking workers so you can stop by and book in person, give them a call or message their social media! Another idea is to get off the main drag! The restaurants on Oyu Doru Street are easily accessible which means they get crowded very quickly. Instead, go for an explore off the beaten […]
Nozawa Onsen Restaurant Bookings
Nozawa Onsen Restaurant Bookings Tips Restaurants Nozawa Onsen Most of the year you can get into a restaurant in Nozawa no problem but at busy times there is a bit of competition to get in to the popular restaurants. Have a look at our new Restaurant Guide for Nozawa with lots of tips and reviews of most of the delicious places to eat in town. Restaurant and Bar Guide Nozawa Onsen A few tips get in early or late, get off the main drag, head to the big places like Kongo Night Market and Sparena if want to be sure to get a seat, book a night ahead when out and about. Get in Early! Most people eat around […]
Patience waiting for snow
Patience waiting for snow The sun is shining and it’s a brilliant bluebird day today. Temperatures are up around 9 degrees currently in the village and it’s the warmest I’ve felt for the past week. I’m actually wearing one too many layers. Obviously, this isn’t great for the snow forecast but it’s all just a lesson in patience. The snow will come. The forecast for up to 25cm of new snow on Sunday is still holding. I noticed a couple of local villagers continuing to harvest cabbage this morning outside my window. We received this stunning photo this morning from 野沢温泉スキー場 at Nozawa Ski Resort. It may look like there’s no snow from down in the village but it’s there! […]
Best Coffee Nozawa Onsen
Best Coffee Nozawa Onsen Getting your morning fix in Nozawa Where is your favourite Coffee in Nozawa? Cold Winter, Hot Coffee or if prefer Hot Chocolate. They kind of go hand in hand and nothing better to warm the soul than a hot brew on a snowy day. For years it was hard to get a good cuppa in Nozawa and I remember people begging us to get a decent coffee Machine. So we did, about 10 Years ago I am guessing, we put it at Nozawa Central and it was the first espresso machine in town. As people’s love of coffee grew in Japan and around the world Nozawa followed and before long there were plenty of places to […]
Snow Depth Nozawa Onsen
Snow Depth Nozawa Onsen It is amazing what snow depth we get to in Nozawa Onsen Ski Resort in Japan Keep your eye on the road signs in Nozawa The below shot is after the first snowfall of the season a few days ago with about 15cm falling from reports. The above shot is peak season after about 12 meters of snow falling in total. The peak base last year up top was 480cm on the 23rd of February 2022. So that sign sits at about 5 meters above ground level. That’s the equivalent of almost 3 grown adults standing on each others shoulders. So we still have a long way to go but will be interesting to see where […]
スタッフ募集 野沢温泉
スタッフ募集 野沢温泉 Staff Needed Nozawa Onsen 今年のスノーシーズン、野沢温泉で働こう! English Below 外国から来られるお客様の旅のお手伝いをしながら スキー、スノーボードもできる野沢温泉で働きませんか? 英語力とスキー、スノーボードのスキルを向上させるチャンスです。 フレンドリーなチームと一緒に、大自然いっぱいの野沢温泉村の生活を楽しみましょう。 12月中旬から3月中旬までのスキーシーズンに向けて、日本人スタッフを募集していますが、 通年でもチームメンバーやマネージャーを募集しています。 現在募集中の職種は ロッジのアシスタントとマネージャー クリーニングチームのマネージャー レンタルスタッフ スキー・スノーボードインストラクター(日本人でなくてもインストラクター経験者であれば可) フロントデスク、ブッキングスタッフ 給与は経験により優遇します。 スタッフ用宿泊施設は野沢温泉の中心部にあり、朝食が提供されます。 個人シーズンパスを購入される場合は半額を補助し、 スキー・スノーボード用具は無料でご利用いただけます。 トレーニングやチーム同士の懇親会もあります。 外国人のお客様との触れ合いに興味があり、スノーライフに情熱を持っている方、 履歴書と写真を までお送りください。 事業の詳細はこちらでご覧いただけます 皆様のご応募をお待ちしております。 Work in Nozawa Onsen for this coming Snow season or longer We have still got a few spots left for the coming winter in the amazing Nozawa Holidays Team. Most positions have now been filled but would really like a few more Japanese Speaking staff to join our international team. So if you are stuck in the daily grind in Tokyo may be time to look at a Ski Change and move the the beautiful village of Nozawa Onsen. A fantastic opportunity for some one wanting to […]
Changes Japan Since Covid
Changes Japan Since Covid Has the world changed since Covid? Sure some things have changed and some stay the same. For many it has been over 2 years since you stepped on Japanese soil and snow and imagine you are excited to be coming back. We are very excited to see you in Nozawa too. To be honest Nozawa itself has not changed a great deal, in the 30 plus years I have been there it has not changed so much. One of the things I like about it 🙂 We have a new Gondola for you, as mentioned in the last post, and there are a few new restaurants about town but that same great hospitality or as Japanese […]
Ski Japan Long Stay
Ski Japan Long Stay Stay a little bit longer in Nozawa – Spring Skiing Deals Now that borders have finally opened we imagine many of you that have missed a few seasons and have plenty of lost time to make up for on the slopes. Why not consider an extended stay in Nozawa Onsen. Season pass prices have just been released and have gone up slightly but still a great deal. At 78,000 yen for the season if you ski for 78 days that’s just 1000 yen a day! Here is a link to season pass prices; The season goes for around 5 months from December to early May so you Have over 150 days to enjoy it. For […]