April Snow Holiday Japan
Almost a winters day in April for Nozawa. 5cm of fresh snow reported overnight and -2 degrees up top. No T- Shirts today. Early April is always an interesting time in Nozawa as Spring is doing its best to come out and Winter keeps knocking it on the head with days like today. It was cold up there today and with the fresh dusting we got the snow conditions were terrific. Cold and fast on the groomers and even a bit of fun in the layer of powder on the sides.

April Snow Holiday Japan
Even though it was a Sunday it was very quiet up there. Not completely dead like the weekdays but just enough people about so you didn’t get lonely. Just the top half of the mountain open now down to the bottom of Paradise slope but that was more than enough given the conditions were best up top and so few people about.
April is also a very cheap time to come to Nozawa and can stay for as little as 3000 Yen a night at places like Kaiya Nozawa. Here is a link to look and book Kaiya Nozawa Cheap Lodge