Australia First Gondola Thredbo
Southern Exposure
Our friends down in Australia have just hit a cold snap and it is snowing across many of the resorts there this morning. This video just in from Thredbo Resort where they are expecting up to 60cm of fresh snow over the next week!
Good to see early on and we hope they will manage to open this season with the current situation and have a terrific season ahead. Thredbo also installing the first Gondola ever in Australia which we look forward to seeing. Because our new Gondola coming in Nozawa for next season too.
Here is a bit more info on the new Nagasaka Gondola in Nozawa if interested. New Nagasaka Gondola Nozawa
Work is well underway with the construction of our new gondola therefore we should be fine to open it in December this coming season. We really hope you will be here sometime during the season to see it!
#staysafe #stayhome #keepcool
Video from Thredbo Resort Australia