New Times and Slow Times to Nozawa
If looking at coming up over Summer there are a few things going on from the 1st of July
- The Bus Times for the Nozawa Onsen Liner between Iiyama Station and Nozawa are changing! Here is a link to the new times
Nozawa Onsen Timetable July 2017
- The Nozawa Onsen Summer Park is opening so can be one of the first in to check out the Summer Skiing and enjoy the fun of the park and all it has to offer
Here is all the info
- Most importantly you can get up here on the cheap with the infamous Seishin 18 Kippu for as little as about 3000 yen from Tokyo! See details below
Seishin 18 Kippu – A very cheap option to get up to Nozawa! Time is money
I have been using these tickets for over 25 years and they are an amazingly cheap way to discover Japan if you are on a budget. Probably still not well known with overseas visitors but easy to use however only valid for certain dates of the year
Dates of use for Cheap Travel Nozawa Onsen Japan
Summer Valid from 20th of July to 10th of September
(Able to purchase from 1st of July to 31st of August )
Winter Valid from 10th of December to 10th of January
( Able to purchase from 1st of December to 31st of December)
Price; 11,850 Yen for 5 Days so that’s just 2,370 yen a day
How they work;
They come in a book of 5 tickets
Each ticket is valid for One Day Unlimited travel on all JR Local and Rapid Trains Japan Nationwide. Does not include Shinkansen or Limited Express Trains
So looking at about 6 hours up to Iiyama and Nozawa but hey it only cost you 2,370 Yen and a pretty relaxing ride with great scenery
Terms of Use;
- The Seishun 18 is valid for five days worth of travel. Any five days within the valid period can be used.
- The five days of travel can be shared by two or more people, though if the ticket is used by more than one person at one time, those people must be traveling together. Each day one person uses the Seishun 18 counts as one day of travel. Therefore, if five people use the ticket on the same day, the ticket will be used up at the end of that day.
- The period of one day begins at midnight and ends at 23:59 that night. If traveling on a train at 23:59 at the end of a day of travel, the valid period of the ticket is extended until the next stop.
So have think about it and grab a ticket to ride. Can check out all the times at Hyperdia here is a link