Cruising along nicely in Nozawa
Base up top: 370cm Temperature; -7 Degrees
Base at bottom; 265 cm
New Snow: 5-10 cm up top
Yesterday turned out to be a pretty awesome day on the mountain. The snow just kept falling most of the day and filled tracks and created some nice stashes around the place. There were some happy campers at the end of the day getting more than they had expected.
This morning should be much the same with the snow falling after lifts closed and then a little more this morning. There were actually huge saucer size flakes floating down while was having my morning cup of coffee.
Outlook is still for fairly consistent falls but only light at this stage. May even get some sunshine on Monday or Tuesday. After a pretty cold weekend temps may spike a but again too.
Don’t forget that the 30m rail contest is on Sunday too and could win a 30kg bag of rice. That should feed the family for a few weeks! Only in Nozawa Onsen!