The Early Snow Show continues in Japan
These shots just in from our Nozawa correspondent that is visiting Asahidake in the very North of Japan.
It looks almost skiable now and if you check out the forecast for Monday looks like they could be in for another 50cm dump! That fox is looking a little concerned!

With temps below freezing point and some sunshine following, if you were keen might be some fun tourig conditions in October in Japan!
Early Snow October Japan
Asahidake is the highest peak on the North Island at 2,291m and is an active stratovolcano. You can see the steam rising in the middle.
Anyway early days but things pointin in the right direction, if you have not already booked your snow holiday this weekend may be the time, check out the web site so some research and drop us a mail will help you get it sorted; https://www.nozawaholidays.com/