Eco Friendly Lodges Nozawa Onsen
Green Power Nozawa
Great weather to put some Solar Panels on the roof! Many people thought we were a bit crazy to be putting solar panels on the roof of a ski lodge in a town that boasts an average snow fall of about 14 meters a year and not rare to have 100cm of fresh snow fall overnight.
But after the problems Japan had with electricity supply and the use of Nuclear power to produce it we thought it was the least we could do to make our own little effort to help the situation. There are currently 4 lodges in Nozawa producing solar power and have been for a few years now. There will be 3 more lodges with over 27kw more of green power coming on line in Nozawa this summer too.
Solar panel snow clearing video
The lodges in Nozawa with Solar Power are now producing more power over a year than what they are using. Sure it gets a little lean on the production side over winter but we try and keep them clear of snow and then Summer they are full steam ahead! Clearing the panels of snow can be a tricky job but as anyone that has been to Nozawa knows it is a dangerous pass time for everyone in Nozawa and in a big season you are on the roof quite often!

If looking to stay in an Eco Friendly Lodge in Nozawa and lessen your carbon footprint here is a list of the places running on sunshine.
Eco Friendly Lodges Nozawa Onsen
- Villa Nozawa
- Lodge Nagano
- Kamoshika Lodge
- Tamanegi House
- Kaiya Nozawa
- Ninjin House
- The Ski Locker
Can read more about each of them here
Then if you use the natural Onsen hot springs to bathe, recycle your garbage and walk or ski everywhere you need to go you are giving the environment a hand and saving a few snowflakes!
Japan going Green
Many parts of Japan are embracing the Solar Power movement and it is not rare to see huge rice paddies that have been converted into Solar Farms as you drive around the country side. Japan hope to have almost 25% of energy being renewable by the year 2030. If they work at it think could be even higher.

Global warming is a concern for any of us who enjoy sliding on the cold white stuff so wherever you are every little thing you can do to “Cool the Globe” helps. It’s everyone’s responsibility to leave the world in better shape than we found it and then hopefully our kids, their kids and generations that follow can continue to enjoy the thrill of sliding down snowy slopes for years to come.