Base up top: 280cm Temp Top; -5 Degrees
Base at bottom: 160cm
New Snow since close: 20cm
Weather; Clear
It looks like we have a day of sun and picture perfect here in Nozawa Onsen. For those who are keen photographers; don’t forget your circular polarizing filters for the blue sky! Ice frosted trees at Yamabiko always look great with blue sky backgrounds.
We have some low lying fog in the valleys this morning so it should be quite a view up top with the cloud sea. Crowds have dispersed and with the abundant fresh snow, there is no doubt it will be a perfect day for skiing and boarding on the mountain.
Yesterday was nothing short of outstanding. Crowd levels were low and snow continued for the whole day constantly refreshing tracked out areas. It the trees was as good as it gets with dry waist deep Japan powder. Fresh tracks were easy to find even on the last runs of the day. What more could you want!?
The fire festival kicked off early last night and provided an amazing spectacle for the hundreds who attended and took part. The viewing areas were jam-packed- just as well as it was a very cold and snowy night. Sake was free-flowing all night so there will be a few sore heads around town this morning.
The forecast continues to impress and now since it is within 72 hours, quite accurate. We should see sun most of today before clouds move back in overnight. Following this three days of snow cold temperatures are set to move over the region with a classic winter NW airflow moving off Siberia. Time to get out there!