First Snow Nozawa Village

Snow glorious Snow for Nozawa
As forecast we got brushed with a good little dump of snow in Nozawa last night. It snowed all the way down to the village and as can see from the photo has settled just above town on Kandahar Race Course. The fresh white coat always looks amazing when contrast against the reds and golds of Autumn.
Hard to tell how much we got up top but reckon over 10cm. The web can from Yamabiko looks that way, just not sure all the cams are on line yet

First Snow Nozawa Village
Anyway no doubt a few hard core keen locals will charge up the mountain for some fresh early tracks. Nearby Karuizawa Ski Resort has opened up for the season on totally man made snow but will be interesting to see if they got this fresh natural top up too. A little more snow forecast for today ahead of a few warmer days and then another dusting and cold temps again from Sunday. Winter is in the air…
Thanks Aerandir san for the photos

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