Crystal Clear day in Nozawa Onsen
A quick look at the web cam and it looks pretty nice up top this morning. Web Cams Nozawa Onsen
Also looks like someone has taken some kind of first tracks down A Course up at Yamabiko! Might have to go up there today for some further research!
As pretty as it looks no lifts running as yet so the focus today is on nearby Ryuoo Park where we have been running some guests over to for some skiing. Please see the photos to get a bit of an idea, conditions are not bad up there for an early season slide. It was pretty packed over the weekend being the only resort open in the area but will be pretty dead during the week I am sure.
Some stats for you;
Ryuoo Park quick Stats;
Top Elevation; 1930m
Bottom Elevation; 850m
Vertical; 1080m
So it is almost 300m higher than Nozawa Onsen and the same vertical more or less
Number of lifts; 13 including a huge Cabina type Gondola
Longest run; 6000 m, The current A Course that is open is 1400m and beginner type run
Lift Prices at present until 18th of December
Adults; Just 3400 Yen
Kids ; Just 1900 Yen
Transfer Bus from Nozawa; 2000 Yen return
Departing at 9am and Returning about 16;30pm
We have our instructors heading over for lessons too. So although not the snowy conditions we had this time last year we will still get you up for a ski if coming to Nozawa and lots of other fun things to explore in Nozawa Onsen so look forward to welcoming you. Check out the link for other things to enjoy in Nozawa and surrounding areas
What to do in Nozawa Onsen besides skiing