Nozawa Onsen Open Date 2016
Snowing again right down at Village level and the lower slopes this morning in Nozawa!
Not settling much on the ground in town yet but up top seems to be going a nice shade of white. It is all helping towards establishing a base for the season ahead. The original opening date of the 26th of November has passed and the resort has said it will open as soon as there is enough snow.
The resort held a ceremony on the 26th of November to bless the mountain and slopes for the upcoming season. Wishing for a safe and enjoyable time for everyone. Nozawa Onsen Open date yet to be set.
Temperatures and snow fall for the next week seem a bit up and down which is not unusual for this time of year as Winter battles to take over the landscape.
Think it may be a bit of a long shot to open this coming Saturday the 3rd of December but see what happens today with it expected to snow all day. Another few nearby resorts with snowmaking facilities have opened up now. Anyway early days so start your slow snow dance and will keep you posted…
Can see the conditions for different months of the season here Monthly Snow Conditions Nozawa Onsen

This ceremony happens every year and is a Shinto blessing with the local priest coming up the mountain to Yamabiko to do the honours. The Resort President Katagiri san and all the dignitaries were also in attendance. Even Nasuki san the mascot!