Nozawa Onsen Ski Japan

Beautiful days in Nozawa
Nozawa Onsen Snow Report 27th December 2020
After the “ Magic Foot “ on Friday night and a bit of light snow in the morning yesterday the skies cleared for this beautiful day across the resort. The snow was perfect underfoot and very quiet on the slopes pre New Years. Today is looking like more of the same…
Temp at the top; -6 degrees
New snow since close; 0cm
Base at the top; 215 cm
Snow conditions; Great conditions after snow yesterday and with cold temps
Weather; Early morning cloud clearing for a sun filled day ahead
Nozawa Onsen Ski Japan
Temps are set to warm up a little the next few days but still sub zero up the top except maybe Tuesday. Lots of sunshine and light winds will see some magic days to round out the year in Nozawa. From Wednesday the 30th a serious Siberian change expected with temps plummeting and so much snow on the forecast. It is set to snow everyday for a week and some real heavy ones too. Looks like we will start the New Year in style in Nozawa. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, get up there and have a great Sunday. If you need some awesome Ski Or Board Rental Gear while in Nozawa be sure to see the team at Nozawa Central Rentals. Here is a link to prebook

Photo by Aidan san arigatou.