Waking up to powder

Good morning everyone.
Got to love waking up to fresh powder in the morning. Get up there and make the most of this amazing snow.
The clouds rolled in yesterday afternoon and whilst we slept Nozawa was blanketed in snow. Conditions should be great all over the mountain with little wind and snow continuing to fall throughout the day. This is what we have been waiting for, a little later than expected, definitely worth the wait.
Its not over yet with more snow on the way. Get those skis and boards waxed, hire out some powder gear if you don’t have any and get amongst Nozawa at its greatest.
Have a great day up there, stay safe and we’ll see you on the mountain!
Temp at Top: -10℃
Weather: Snowy
Base at top: 335cm
Base at Uenotara station: 275 cm
New snow since close: 40 cm