Season Outlook Nozawa 2021
Siberian Express stopping in Nozawa
Quietly confident the resort should open next weekend but if not would say is definite a few days later. Not a lot of fresh snow expected over the next week but come Monday it looks like Winter is going to let us know who is boss with a good old fashioned snow down!
Check out the forecast, freezing level is plummeting and Chill factor getting down to -26 degrees! Well over a meter of Siberian powder on the forecast now and think it will be that game changer moment. Of course things can change but with that much showing a week out even if it drops we should be in for a fair amount of the white cold gold.

Season Outlook Nozawa 2021
If you can get up this season we look forward to seeing you and all indicators are for a great season ahead. Check out some of the amazing long term stay deals here too https://www.nozawaholidays.com/news/rent-house-season-japan/
You and a friend could rent a room at in a fantastic Ski Lodge from as little as 25000 Yen each a week.
We have a lot of great options available to make the most of all Nozawa has to offer from snow, onsens, restaurants and of course amazing skiing and boarding.
JMA Long range Forecast for Nagano

The blue colour indicates the areas in Japan that are going to get more snow than usual this year. Nozawa resting not far from the Sea of Japan is one of those areas. With the combination of the La Nina effect which we also experienced with great results a few years ago it is hoped we are in for a terrific snow season ahead.
We know this may be painful fro some people that can’t get here this season due to travel restrictions but we hope you will enjoy watching from afar and be ready to join us again next season when things are back to normal. However if you are in Japan then we really hope you will make it up to the mountains to enjoy some fun in the snow. Mattemasu