Japan is definitely a country of 4 very distinct seasons and it is one of the major draw cards for visiting Japan along with Spring Skiing. It is amazing to experience the dramatic changes in the climate, landscape, smells and feel of each beautiful season.
The changes in the seasons are often marked by a change in the trees and the blossoming of a new flower. Here is a list of 10 such flowers and when to expect to see them. Spring is naturally the busiest time for nature being woken up and amazing to see it come alive after the winter hibernation. Sakura or “Cherry Blossoms” are the most famous and can expect to see them late March to mid April. The ski season in Nozawa Onsen usually goes until May 6th so if you time your trip right you can enjoy some fun spring skiing and take in the amazing Cherry Blossoms!
The Easter Holidays are usually around this time so a great way for the family or a group if friends to come and discover Japan and get your snow fix too! We are doing some great deals around that time too with up to 20% off on Accommodation.
Nozawa Onsen Spring Discounts
Seasonal Flowers of Japan and Nozawa Onsen along with Spring Skiing
It is amazing all the flowers you can view across Japan and the seasonal shift that comes with them. Some of the most beautiful ones and when they bloom are;
- Plum Blossoms from Mid Feb to March
- Cherry Blossoms from Late March to mid April
- Tulips Late April to mid May
- Wisteria Late April Early May
- Sunflowers Early July to early August
- Lavendar Mid July to early August
Don’t forget about Koyo too or the changing of the Autumn leaves it is an amazing time if year to visit Japan, in Nozawa it is October and November to see the spectacular colours.