Another fantastic Spring day in Nozawa
Wednesday 14th of March 2018
Temp at Top: 7℃
Weather: Sunny
Base at top: 270cm
Base at Uenotara station: 195cm
New snow since close: 0 cm
Spring Day Nozawa Style
The Sun is out early again today with the days getting longer as we ease into Spring. Will be warm again today with the mercury showing 7 degrees up top and almost T shirt weather in the village. Talked to some early riders this morning and they said it was terrific up there and the snow was nice and fast.
Yesterday was a cracking day to be out and about, with the Sun shining bright and still plenty of snow. Some of the locals say Spring is the best time to be up on the mountain.
The outlook is still showing more of the same with lots of sun for as far as the eye can see. There are a few little bits of snow showing up here and there and Friday is still looking like the freezing level will get down to the bottom lifts.
Tip for the day is layers, as it is still chilly up top especially when the sun goes but nice and warm down below. Stay safe and have another awesome Nozawa day. Remember today is “White Day” in Japan which is basically the girls Valentines day, where they get the chocolate. There will be free Chocolate Fondue on the mountain for the ladies.
For all the girls and guys interested don’t forget we have the Yoga Retreat running for 3 whole months in Nozawa this coming Summer. From August to October, a fantastic time to be up in the mountains and experience the Green season and the relaxing vibe of the village Yoga Retreat Nozawa Onsen Japan