Base up top: 350 cm Temperature; 0 Degrees
Base at bottom; 225 cm
New Snow: 0 cm Weather; Sunshine
Definitely spring like conditions in Nozawa at the moment at the lower part of the mountain anyway.Up high this morning was cold enough to create the ice trees we know so well. Not sure if was from a bit of a dusting last night or just a frost this morning but looks pretty all the same.
Yesterday got up to about 10 degrees in town and was almost walking around in a T Shirt. Was a beautiful day up top though with the sun out and nice spring like conditions. As long as you weren’t expecting powder you would not be disappointed.
The snow around the village has now pulled back a lot and seeing things pop up had forgotten about for almost 3 months! Found a pair of gumboots I had been looking for all season! After having so much consistent snow this season feels a bit funny to go for about 1 week now with no fresh snow.
Looks like we should slip back into Winter mode at least at higher levels from Friday night with some decent snow falls forecast. So won’t pack away the powder boards yet!